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The group rides up to the hidden tunnels. Usher had used it before to raid an enemy force that had been held up here before. So of course only Arthur knew about it. He figured this would be the best way to ambush the enemy force that is bigger than their's. Merlin keeps an eye on Morgana as the group heads inside. Ava slips on a wet spot, so he rushes to catch her.

"Thanks," she mutters.

"Yeah. Of course."

The two of them hurry to try and catch up. The only ones in front are Arthur and Gwen. Merlin looks around. Just as he was about to ask where Morgana is, she runs up, apologizing. Arthur just pushes it aside as he lights a torch. He hands it to his servant and lights another. The group move down the tunnel, trying be careful. 

Gwen steps on something, triggering a skeleton to pop out. The maiden lets out a shriek of terror as Ava covers her mouth. The red head motions to be quiet before the group continues. A group of warriors leap out. Merlin pulls out a sword. He leans back quickly so Ava can take out on of the attackers.

"I suggest you lot surrender now," a man says. He has a blade against Gwen's throat, holding a chunk of her hair to keep her still. Arthur sets down his blade, holding his hands up. The rest of the rescue party follows suit. One man grabs Ava's arm, twisting it behind her back roughly.

"Watch it," Merlin snaps.

"I would watch you tongue," the one man says. The group is led to the throne room of the fortress. Sitting on the throne is Cenred, with Morgause standing behind him. Of course she is here. That just confirms Merlin's theory of Morgana being apart of the trap. The leaders of the opposing force looks at the group of kneeling people. 

"Welcome," Cenred smiles. "I expected Prince Arthur, but did not think I would be graced with the Lady Ava's presence." 

"Much like you didn't expect me to easily defeat your men before," the red head responds. 

"You maybe as excellent fighter as your brother, but you are out numbered here. Even someone as stubborn as you should expect this."

The king lifts her head by her chin. Something in Merlin feels like it is about to snap. How dare he even touch her! Ava pulls her head away from her and spits in his face. Cenred motions for the group to be taken away before wiping away the saliva. The guards drag the group into different cells. Arthur and Merlin gets thrown in one. Arthur hits the door in anger while Merlin looks around the cell. There has to be a way to get out of here. The prince looks at the servant in frustration.

"Are you just going to stand there?" the blond snaps. "I expect you too also be looking for a way to save Ava."

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Like I haven't noticed you two getting close again."

"That can't happen. Also there is no obvious way out. We have to use our brains. But then again you don't have much of one, so I need to find away out."

The prince rolls his eyes, looking around. He smirks.

"Call in the guards," Arthur orders before leaping up. The young man grasps the bars above them to hold himself up. Merlin starts shouting and a man opens the door. He looks around in confusion. The dark hair boy smirks and shrugs his shoulders. He looks up.

"Oh there he is."

Arthur takes this as his cue to jump down. He lands directly on top of the man, knocking him out. Merlin grabs the keys while Arthur grabs a sword. They rush to another cell. But instead of saving Ava, she is currently pushing a body down. Her dagger dripping in blood. Obviously she was able to hide a weapon. Gwen and her brother, Elyan, are leaving the cell. Ava flips her hair back and looks at the two men standing there in shock.

"He tried to take Gwen," she stated calmly, wiping the blood off of the metal. "Where's Morgana?"

"I thought she was with you."

"They must have taken her for interrogation," Arthur concluded. Or she went willingly.  Arthur sends off Gwen and Elyan to the horse. It is better for the two to leave the rest to the three left. The trio hurry down the hall to find the dark hair lady. There is a scream and the  group move in that direction. They find her being held at sword point with Morgause smirking.

 The blonde witch send a column of fire. Merlin watches Ava, who is near the back wall, try to hold it off. There is only so much she could do before her brother would notice. Merlin causes an explosion, knocking out Cenred and Morgause.

 Arthur grab Morgana and the four quickly leave. Merlin takes over dragging her while the Pendragon siblings try to keep back any enemies. The dark hair servant pulls the woman along until she lets a groan in anguish and pulls away.

"What now?" he snaps. "You worried your plan is falling apart."

"No, my ankle," she cries. Arthur and Ava run over and look at them in annoyance. Arthur just picks up Morgana, throwing her over his shoulder before taking off. Merlin glances towards the red head.

"Don't," she warns. He ignores her and picks her up. 

"Sorry," he responds. "I am just faster than you."

He takes off, soon catching up to the crown prince and the dark hair witch. Waiting by the horses are Gwen and Elyan.

"I thought I ordered you two to leave," the blond prince snaps.

"We weren't going to leave you," Gwen states. "And I think we need to get going."

Everyone hurries to get on their horse before riding out of enemy territory. Ava keeps a slight bit ahead in order to make sure they won't be ambushed from the front. Merlin is in the back to keep an attack from behind. Once they are a safe distance away, the group slows down a bit. Gwen and Elyan discuss the possibility of him working as the city's blacksmith. 

Merlin watches the red curls in the lead bounce up and down. Her brother catches up with her to discuss something. Merlin does not try to talk to Morgana. It probably would follow the usual pattern of threatening one another. 

Both think they are correct on what is the correct way to act. He knows Ava is going to try to play neutral to keep Morgana trusting her, but he can't do that. Soon they will be back at Camelot and he will have to act like a servant that knows nothing.

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