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Ava walks down the hallway, trying to focus on walking in heels. She understands why Lady Elena hates them so much. Ava had been avoiding wearing a pair for a long time due to not being able to fight in them. But she needs to know how once again. Actually she thinks the last time would have been the wedding she attended to. So this will be interesting. 

"Ava," she hears. She turns a little too quickly, loosing her footing. Merlin rushes to catch her.

"How can you hold off armed men but can't walk?" She lifts up the skirt of her dress to show her shoes. "Are they hard to walk in?"

"There is a reason I don't fight in them," she chuckles. "I just need some practice so I can go long enough for a wedding." 

"You'll get it," he smiles weakly. 

"But I don't know if I really want to," she states. "I thought I would be okay to marry for the kingdom, but I realize I don't want to. I must sound like such a hypocrite."

"No, you don't," he promises. "You just got a look from both points of view."

She looks down.

"I guess you're right. At least it is Niklaus isn't too bad."

"Still, I think it is wrong you have to marry someone you don't love."

"It doesn't matter. Unless Niklaus ends the marriage himself, Father will make me go through with it. Especially since it guarantees a stronger alliance."

Merlin looks at the ground, as if he is trying to comprehend what she had just said. The two both need to accept the truth. It is just hard for them because of what they had. What they could have had. No matter what she tells herself, she knows that deep down, she still feels something for him. 

She will just have to submerge that side of her. Just like the side with magic. Though that side seems to be pushing outward, so who knows how long that would last. It just needs to get her through the wedding. Merlin pushes one of her curls behind her ear. Her eyes look into his.

"You will make a beautiful bride," he tells her. "And a powerful queen. I will support you no matter what."

Her words leave her. She wants to thank him but at the same time she wanted to yell at him for being so calm about it. Arthur walks down the hall to find the two of them.

"Father has called for court," he states. "Come on both of you."

Ava takes off her shoes so she can keep up with the two men. Just outside the door, she puts them back on and head inside. She takes her seat beside her father, Arthur standing in the front. Merlin takes his place next to Gaius, who is standing before the court.

"There has been rumors that the innkeeper has made a fully recovery," Uther states. The confuses the old physician and his assistants. 

"I declared it to be fatal," he states. 

"I know. That is why I think magic maybe at play. I heard of a physician selling a miracle cure that heals anything."

"I will look into it, my lord," Gaius states. 

"Thank you. Now onto other matters."

While the king goes through the other issues that people have requested for immediate action, Gaius and Merlin leave to investigate. Ava watches as people come forth with complaints for the king to fix. Some are more ridiculous than others. Such as the claim to a chicken or the tax on cabbages need to be lowered. And so on and so forth. Things like that. Uther looks over at his daughter while Arthur tries to make a decision in order to practice. 

 "You can exit out the side door," he tells her. "I'm not going to make you stay for this." 

She thanks him before slipping out of the room. Leon must have noticed since he also leaves.

"M'lady," he calls, catching up. "Is everything alright?"

"Oh. Yes. I just didn't want to sit in that room much longer."

"I understand. I actually was not paying attention after the cabbage cart."

The red head chuckles as the two walk along the hallway. It has been awhile since they joked around. After a certain point, she stops and takes off her heels.

"They may look nice, but are for short events," the princess laughs, setting them on the window sill. Leon picks up one and looks at the heel.

"You could sharpen them and use it as a weapon," he jokes, setting it down.

"I don't think that would be accepted." The two look out at the bustling city. "It will be weird not being able to turn to you for advise."

"I will always be here. Write to me and I will help you," he promises. "I am pretty sure your brother would be fine with me hurrying over to Mercia."

"I doubt it. Once I'm gone, they need a decent knight here."

He laughs, shaking his  head. His curls manage to catch the light just right where it looks like gold moving. However he ends up with will be lucky. He is a good friend and probably would be a great husband, and maybe a father. She turns so the sun is hitting her back. Her eyes wander around to see no one walking down the halls.

"Can you keep a secret?" she asks.

"For you, of course."

"I think I am still in love with Merlin."

He stands a bit straighter and look at her.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing. I have to marry Niklaus no matter how I feel."

"I personally like Merlin more than Niklaus."

"You like anyone more than Niklaus."

"You're right."

Ava puts back on her heels before the two start walking around the castle again.

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