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Days pass and depression fills the castle. Morgana still hasn't woken up, and may not. Everyone remains in their own chambers if they are not watching over the maiden. Ava still feels some turmoil on how she should feel about the whole issue. It means, safety, but it is her friend. She paces back and forth, thinking about everything. Merlin enters her room with a tray of food.

"Gwen needed a moment," he informs her. "But you still need to eat."

"Thank you." He grabs her hands to get her to stop pacing. "I should be happy, but I'm not. I feel like I should be able to do something. I have magic, apprentice to the physician, a warrior, and the princess. Yet I am here, unsure what to do."

"I will fix this," he promises. "We just have to keep an eye on her afterwards."

She nods her head. He starts to go, so the redhead grabs her green cloak. He stops and looks at her.

"Where you going?"

"I'm going to help you."

"I don't-"

"You can't stop me."

Picking up the dagger, she motions for him to go. The two move out of the castle and out of the citadel. Going through woods, they arrive at a mass clearing. Merlin says something that she doesn't understand. The sound of wind moving grows louder and the Dragon lands in front of him. He bows his head.

"Long time Lady Ava," he says. "Why am I here?"

"I tried to stop Uther's death," Merlin states. "Now Morgana's life is about to end."

Ava looks at him in shock. Is this why he didn't want her to come along? 

"Then you should be celebrating," the fierce beast shouts in joy. "You truly are a brilliant man."

"I want a way to save her," he states.

"Why would you want to save that witch?"

"Because we could show her a better route," Ava interjects. "Surely if Merlin can change destiny once, we could do it again."

"You two do not know what you are playing with."

"I am the last Dragon Lord," Merlin shouts. "You must do what I say."

"You have no right to abuse that power," the dragon argues.

"You will give me the cure."

The Great Dragon bows his head slightly before revealing the spell. The two hurry back to the castle and the red head goes straight to Morgana's chambers. Gwen is sitting on a seat, half asleep. Ava walks over and carefully wakes her up.

"I got this," she tells the maid. "Go get some rest."

Once she leaves, Merlin enters the room.

"Ready?" he asks.


The two stand on opposite sides of the bed, linking hands over the sleeping girl. The two start muttering the spell in unison. She can feel her energy draining a bit as the attempt to heal the dark hair maiden. But now is not the time to worry about that. Soon the maiden's eyes open and the two unlock hands.

"Ava?" she questions. "Did you just use-?"


The two hug each other. Maybe this event will lead her away from the danger of trying to kill the king. Merlin goes and gathers others of the castle. Gwen, Uther, and Arthur rush in. The king goes straight to hug his ward as Gaius enters with Merlin. The old physician look at Ava, who simply shrugs her shoulders. He knows as well as her what happened. 

"Now get some rest," Ava ushers people out. "Morgana needs some rest to fully heal."

"The Lady is right. Let the Morgana get some rest."

Ava and Merlin walk out to her room.

"Let's hope this doesn't bite us in the arse," she mutters, sitting on a seat. 

"Yeah. But we just may have changed the future."

She nods her head, starting to smile.

"Only do we try to change our destiny."

Merlin kisses her hand.

"Goodnight m'lady," he smirks, leaving.


The bell tolls, signifying a murder. Ava groans, pulling her shirt back on. She was just about to change into her nightgown. Leaving her shoes, hurrying to the problem. There is a guard on the ground, blood pooling out of him. He was obviously stabbed. Gaius and Merlin are rushing over. So does Arthur and Leon. The killing is the same way to get to where the royal family lives. Arthur looks at his sister, then Leon.

"Take the princess to her chambers," he orders. "Or at least till we have the assassin dealt with."

"You have to be joking," Ava counters as Leon gently grabs her arm. "If I need protection, so do you."

"This is not the time," he states. "Just go with Leon. I do not need to worry about you while the knights and I look around the castle."

She locks eyes with Merlin, who nods his head.

"Fine. Let's go Leon."

The two go back to her chambers. She cleans up a few of her stuff she just threw down earlier when they enter. He stands by her door.

"You know you can sit," she tells him. "Also, sorry. Told Gwen not to worry about me today. Poor girl barely slept this past week."

"No one really has," Leon adds as he sits. 

"That is true."

Ava sits on the seat opposite of him, picking up her book. A storm starts rumbling outside as the time passes along. Ava accidentally jumps when thunder crashes. Leon chuckles, shaking his head; his blond curls bounce a bit. She throws a pillow on the seat at him and he laughs more. Soon Merlin enters, bowing his head some. He has to keep formalities a bit.

"The castle is clear," he informs the two. "Everyone is safe."

Leon bows his head towards Ava, excusing himself. Merlin sits where the knight was and waits till the door is shut.

"Morgana just tried to kill Uther in his sleep," he informs her. "She found out she is Uther's daughter."

"So he slept with another woman as well."

He nods his head. She shouldn't have been shocked. She is from a non-marital affair, but she was planned. For some reason, she thinks that Morgana might not be a planned child. But that also means she has a legal claim to the throne. So now every Pendragon is in danger.

"We need to keep an eye on her," Ava mutters. "We can't let anything happen to Father or Arthur."

"What about you?"

"I am not the-"

"I will never let anything happen to you."


"I will do what it takes to protect you and your brother."

She looks at him in shock. It is insane that the two still feel for each other, but do nothing about it.

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