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Ava walks through the crowded market. She sees Merlin buying a bouquet of flowers. Quietly, she walks up to him.

"Who's the lucky lady?" she asks. He jumps and turn. A smile forms on his face.

"This one is for you," he says, placing one behind her ear. "The rest is for Gwen though. Arthur and her are about to go on a picnic."

The two walk along to the path. They didn't stay too long, just enough to pick up the basket in Merlin's home. They go straight to a clear by a brook in the woods. It is secluded and wild flowers growing around the area.

"This will be perfect," the princess states. The two work together to set up the clearing for the couple that will be there soon. The sound of the nature around them is calming. No need for talking really. Ava spots Gwen being led by Arthur.

"Come on," she whispers, pulling the servant into the woods. They spot a willow tree they sit by. Far enough to give Gwen and Arthur their space but close enough to see what is happening. They are so cute together. Ava rarely sees her brother truly smile like he does when Gwen is around. Hopefully when he is king, he can change the rules. He is a better person with Gwen by his side. 

"Do you think us watching is creepy?" Merlin asks.

"No clue. But come on, you want to watch as well."


The sound of horse hooves hitting the ground starts to get louder. Uther and Morgana on horses appear. Merlin and Ava look at each other in shock. They should not be here. This clearing is out of the way. Plus Uther originally had plans for today. Morgana has a wide grin on her face. Though, when Uther or Arthur looks at her, she acts shocked. The witch knew the entire time. 

Uther orders for the date to end and everyone to return to the castle. The prince, maid, maiden, and king quickly leave. They must have not noticed Ava and Merlin. Once the others are out of view, the two quickly hop up and hurry to the castle. Her head is spinning. Some how, she managed to get there as Arthur and Uther are discussing what happened. 

"This needs to stop now," the king tells his son."

"I can't. I love her."

"You will and that is final."

Arthur storms off out of the room. The king looks at his daughter, who is just standing there. She lowers her head, his stare softening at the sight.

"He must marry a royal," he informs her. "As must you. That is why I have to stand by this."

"But if Arthur loves Gwen, and she loves him, wouldn't that mean having a supportive queen to a king."

"But it would make us look weak if the king marries a servant."

"Then our enemies would be grossly underestimating us. Camelot is a strong kingdom."

"Only as strong as its leader."

"So you are claiming Arthur would be a weak king."

"I did not mean it that way. But it is its traditions that help Camelot together."

She bit her tongue to keep from saying what she was thinking. Of course that is excluding the freedom of magic. Ever since his wife's death, that is a defense that Camelot did not have. She knows it, but saying that could be dangerous. 

"And some change could lead to a better future," she says.

"Let me fully think this over," he tells her. She nods her head before leaving. She heads out to see Merlin waiting by the door. The two walk to the area with everyone's rooms.

"I heard all you told him," Merlin states. "You are right to think so."

"Hopefully he will see it that way. Worst I can see happening is Gwen is banished, but Arthur could lift it when he is king. Just like with Gwaine."

He nods his head. Little did they know Morgana was just around the corner, listening to what they say. No way was she going to let her visions of Gwen as queen come true.


The Pendragon siblings hurry into the courtroom to see Gwen being held prisoner. Apparently, a poultice was found in Arthur's room and Gwen is being blamed for enchanting him. Uther stands before her. 

"You will be burned at the stake tomorrow," the king says.

"No," Arthur snaps. Several guards go to restrain him. Leon grabs Ava's arm to keep her from going to help her brother. "Please, Father, let her live. I'll give up my throne to Ava. We'll move to the country side and you would never have to hear from us again. Please."

Uther looks at his son in horror.

"My son would never say that. Take her away."

Arthur and Gwen pull against the guards, trying to reach for each other. Just to even hold each other's hand one more time. They cry out one another's name as they keep trying. Arthur manages to pull away just enough to kiss her briefly. Gwen gets pulled out, crying. 

Ava watches all this unravel, Leon holding her back. She knows he is doing it for her own good, but she wants to help them. To help her brother be happy. Arthur is taken to his chambers. Tears start forming in her eyes as she looks at Uther with anger and slight discuss.

"How could you do this?" she cries. "Gwen is not a witch, but you seem blinded. Your son would do anything for the woman he loves."

Uther orders for her to be locked in her chambers as well until she calms down. Leon has to drag the struggling red head out of there. Merlin watches in horror as she is taken off. He quickly follows, calling out to them. Leon stops once they are at her chambers, having her to walk in. 

He would prefer not to hurt his friend, but is still required to listen to his king. She knows it and don't want to be angry, but she throws a book as he closes the door. Merlin manages to get inside. He grabs her hand, and looks her in the eyes.

"I'll fix this," he promises. "Morgana will not succeed and I will save Gwen."

With that, he quickly leaves, determined as always. He seems to always have a plan when it comes to things like this. Hopefully it will work.

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