Chapter 2

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[Jasmine's pov]

By the time I got to school I was soaked. I noticed Mandy waiting outside for me with an umbrella. I wiped away my tears so she wouldn't have noticed I was crying. I approached her shivering like crazy.
"Babe, what happened to your umbrella?" She placed an arm around my shoulder.

I tried to think up of a lie. "It broke...the wind". I answered avoiding eye contact with her. My teeth were chattering together like mad.
"Aww, My Jassie baby. You must be freezings." I nodded.

"I have some spare clothes in my locker let me go and grab them. Wait in there. It's got heating." She bought me to a classroom. I sat down at one of the tables.

"I'll be ten max okay."
I nodded as she walked out of the class. I just sat there playing with my fingers.
Suddenly the door swung open.
It was Jungkook and Georgia eating each other's faces off. I just cleared my throat and looked back down at the floor. "Oh shit!" Jungkook must have seen me because he started doing up his shirt.

"What?" Georgia asked confused.


She turned around and saw me. She looked at me in disgust. I looked back down. I heard footsteps approach me.
" Look at me Jasmine." She said it softly but I knew she was going to hit me in some way so I didn't look up.
She hit the table making me jump.


I slowly looked up at her. She was a really pretty girl, I could see why Jungkook likes her. But there was nothing else, just her beauty. Her personality was rotten.

She grabbed my chin roughly. Then slapped me in the face. I held my cheek as my eyes started to become watery. "That's what you get for existing you dumb bitch!" She shouted in my face. I went to stand up but she pushed me back in the chair.

"C-can I go?" I asked timidly.

"C-can I go." She mimicked me "Aww Jungkook look... she's about to cry."

He was just standing there with a blank expression on his face. He didn't seem amused.

She picked me up by the hair and threw me onto the floor. She sat on top of me and started punching my face. I wanted to push her off me but I was too scared to. So I just let her beat me. I was crying as she battered me. I felt blood fall from my nose. "Georgia that's enough!"


He walked over to her and pulled her off of me. She kicked me in the stomach hard. I coughed out blood as she made the connection.
"She's fucking bleeding Gia!" Jungkook was angry for some reason.

"Why do you care if she is?!" Confused of his concern for me.

" I-I...don't" he looked at me but then hung his head.
I curled up in a ball and cried as they walked out. My whole body was in shock at what just happened to me. I tried to stand up but fell back down.
"You're so weak and useless" I kept telling myself in my head.

The door opened but I didn't look up. "JASMINE!" I knew who it was straight away. Mandy ran up to me and cupped my face.
"Who did this to you!" She shook my face gently.

I shook my head, not wanting to tell her that her twin brother watch his girlfriend beat the shit out of me. She shook my head more violently. She was crying. And so was I.
"Let's get you cleaned up okay."
I nodded and she took my hand and helped me up. We walked to the bathroom.

I sat on the sink and she got out some wipes and plasters. She wiped off the blood and gently dabbed my scars. She then placed a plaster with a pink heart in the middle over my nose and a smaller one on my right cheek. She sighed. I looked in the mirror and noticed a light purple circle around my left eye.

"I'm so sorry Jasmine, if I was ther-."

"No." I cut her off and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's not your fault okay."

She nodded with tears eyes. I pulled her into a tight hug and stroked her head. I kissed her cheek. She pulled away from the hug and wiped her eyes. "Sorry, I just hate seeing you like this." I smiled at her. She could always make me happy when I'm down.

"I love you Mands." I said smiling

"I love you too Jassie."

She handed me the clothes. I took them and went into a cubicle to change. There was a red oversized hoodie and some plain black leggings. I put them on and walked out. She took my wet clothes and put them in a plastic bag, that she then placed in her school bag.

She took my hand and walked me to our class.


We walked in and the whole glass were looking at us. "You two are just in time." Our teacher said looking at her watch. We just looked at each other.

"Mandy sit next to Daphne and Jasmine, can you sit next to...Jungkook."

FUCK! Why me!!!

I nodded and slowly made my way to the back of the class. I kept my head down and went to pull out the chair.

My hand was grabbed. My eyes followed the arm, eventually reaching Jungkook's face. "Don't sit here" he said with a blank expression on his pale face.

"B-but it's my seat..." I say quietly

He pulled my arm so I jerked forward. He started into my soul. "If you touch the chair one more time...I'll get Georgia on you"
I gulped.

"You don't want that do you?" His grip around my arm became tighter that he was being to hurt me.

"N-no...please stop.."

He instantly let go as he saw sheer fear and pain on my face. His expression softened. I instantly backed away from him. "Sit" he demanded.

"B-but you won't let me.." I frowned in confusion.

"On the floor you idiot!" his expression went back to a frown.

I hesitantly replied.  "...No."

His eyes just glared at me, he let out a deep chuckle. I looked down regretting what I just said. "Did you just tell ME no." He was getting ready to stand up.

"N-no I-I..." he grabbed my wrist tightly.

"Miss Blanchard, I'm taking her to the nurse." He exclaimed. She nodded and he dragged me out of the door. I was scared for my life. He never did this before. He dragged me into a broom closet and locked the door.

He turned to me with a devilish grin on his face. He took steps closer to me but I backed up, eventually hitting the wall.

He tilted his head back and rolled it around as he made his way up to me. His feet finally got in front of mine. I didn't dare look up at him.
He slammed his hand against the wall right next to my head, making me flinch. My whole body started to tremble with fear.

"P-please..d-don't hurt me..." I was so scared I couldn't even get my words out properly. Tears fell from my eyes. I slowly dragged my back down the wall. He took a few steps back from me.

Y-you know you're...umm..erm." I looked up at him confused. He never stutters.

"I'm what Jungkook! Too Fat. A pig. A horse. Pathetic. A slut. Ugly. A loner. Dirty. Weak. A useless piece of shit. A fucking loser, I know I am you don't have to keep reminding every single day!" I was screaming at this point. I never do this. I think I mentally just had enough.

"I hate myself already.."

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