Chapter 4

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My bathroom door swung open.

"JASMINE NO!" Mandy yelled running to me. She grip my hand with the blade in.

"Let me go Mandy...just let me go." I wept trying to fight her off of me, but I was too weak. I'm underweight and fragile, so much so that I can't even fend for myself.

"I will never ever let you go!" she yelled, there was this burning passion and sadness buried behind her eyes. She's only seen me like this once.

Mandy slapped the razor out of my hand and picked it up to flush it down the toilet. She ran over to me pulling me into a tight hug.

I cried in her chest as she rocked me back and forth. She was a really strong girl but sadly I wasn't the same strong independent individual she was. I was weak and fragile. The total opposite.

She helped me up and sat me on my bed."You're staying at mine." she uttered bluntly. She she has that tone with me I don't dare argue or disobey. She can be scary at times so I simply gazed up at her and nodded.

She went in my wardrobe and packed some clothes for me. Then some toiletries, "H-how long am I s-staying for?" I sniffled still shaken by the whole situation.

"Till you find some help." Her voice was stern but affectionate at the same time. I watched her packing my things while fidgeting. "Text your mum and tell her you're coming to my place."

"okay.." I picked up my phone and text my mum telling her I'll be at Mandy's for a while.

Me and Mandy got into her car and she drove back to her house.
[Mandy's pov]

I pulled up to my house and got Jasmine out of the car. I had my hands on her shoulders and walked up to my porch.

I opened the door and walked her to the dining room, where my parents and brother where eating

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I opened the door and walked her to the dining room, where my parents and brother where eating.
"Oh hi Jasmine, Mandy" my dad uttered. My mother smiled at her but then noticed the bag.

"What's the bag for?" She inquired.

"Jasmine is staying here for a while." I spoke holding her close to me.

"We would prefer if you asked us first, but what's the reason?" my father sighed giving us both a sincere glance.

"Umm...she just feels lonely and I said she could stay." I didn't want to explain in front of my brother. I know he's a dick to her and will probably use this against her.

"We would allow it any other day but we have very important guests today and tomorrow." My mum face a faint smile.

"Sorry girls"

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