Chapter 24

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[Jasmine's pov]

I frowned and looked at him. "Jungkook what are you talking about."

"I-I don't know who you are."

I looked at Mandy and she looked at Jungkook. "Jungkook she's your girlfriend."

He frowned. "What, I-I don't have a girlfriend. I never have."

"Stop messing with me Kookie." I smiled and nudged his arm.

"Jasmine I don't think he's joking."

I looked at Mandy. "What."

"The doctor said he had a tumour from some beating or a fall. They took it out but he has the side affect."

"And what is that."

"Temporary memory loss."

I looked down at the floor trying my hardest not to cry. I looked back at Jungkook and he looked so confused. "You really don't know who I am."

He shook his head. A tear slowly fell down my cheek. I smiled faintly and walked out of the room. I burst into tears and was instantly hugged by my mum. "What's wrong sweetie."

"He doesn't remember who I am. He has memory loss."

"Oh baby." My mum kissed my head.

[Jungkook's pov]

I was baffled. My sister came to sit on my bed. "Kook...are you sure you don't remember her, you love her so much. You weren't very nice to her before but you loved her for 3 years. You didn't know how to speak to her so you got yourself a girlfriend and she didn't like Jasmine so she started bullying joined in. I didn't know but she was harming herself and tried to take her own life. I stopped her just in time. She was staying at ours and we were having a pool party for our birthday, your girlfriend strangled her underwater and left her for dead. You saw her in the pool and saved her life. You didn't stop giving CPR until she was alive. You two became closer and started flirting, it made me cringe sometimes but it was cute. You took her out on a date to the fair, I'm guessing that was when you asked her to be your girlfriend, and you were her first kiss. But you haven't know."

I smiled faintly. "I guess she was really important to me."

"She was, you were so protective over her and loved her so much. Every night when she wasn't staying at our house you would call her and wish her a goodnight, and say that you love her so much."

I smiled faintly

She frowned and looked at me. "Do you remember how you ended up like this."

"I was kidnapped wasn't I. My kidnapped beat me and tortured me constantly."

"Jungkook she was there as well, you were taken with don't remember being there with her?"

I tried to think but my memories were blank, it was just me. No one else was there. "No."

Mandy sighed and nodded. "I guess you don't want to see her."

"I didn't say that she's the one that walked out."

"What else did you want her to do when her boyfriend doesn't remember who she is!"

"It's not my fault, I never asked for this!"

"I know, I'm's just upsetting to me, I've witnessed everything between the both of you and now this is happening."

I sighed and looked at the floor. "Is she okay?"

"I-I don't think so... I'm scared she might start cutting herself again, she's very vulnerable to shit like this. After what she's been through she might."

"Was I that horrible to her, I made her want to take her own life."

She nodded slowly. "Wow...and she still accepted me..."

"Yeah. She did Jungkook."

"I'll try and remember for her, I don't like seeing people upset."

She smiled softly and ruffled my hair. "I'm not a kid."


"I'm joking."

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