Chapter 6

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I stood up and walked towards the door. Each step I took the more my anxiety built up inside me.

My shaky hand turned the door nob and opened it. Standing there was a pissed off Tae. I stepped aside and he walked in barging past me up the stairs.

I sighed and followed him.

He stomped to my room I jogged after him.

We finally got to my room and he sat at my desk and I placed my self on the end of my bed.

"Where is she?" he uttered turning to me.

"Her room I think" I responded.

He nodded then leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "What the hell were you thinking Kook?"

I frowned ashamed at myself. "I know Tae..I feel so bad you don't even know, I hate myself for what I did."

"Are you sure you don't just feel that because you found out what she was doing to herself." he spoke like he was ashamed of me, I couldn't be mad about it because I was ashamed too.

"N-no. No no. I genuinely feel terrible."

Taehyung sighed and came to sit next to me. He put an arm over my shoulder. "I'm gonna tell you something...If you really love her you would make it up to her, maybe you should start by making her breakfast tomorrow. Take her out. Show your affection to her.. but don't make her feel like you are trying to buy her forgiveness. That's the worst thing to do... then maybe after you trying you will get a kiss."

I smiled. I would love that.

"Just dump that evil bitch girlfriend of yours and make Jasmine yours."

I nodded thinking of how I was going to break up with Georgia.

"Thanks Tae."

"No problem."

"Let's change the subject."

I nodded
"Well I'm having a pool party tomorrow for my birthday, tell the others."

"cool what time?"

Jungkook-" 9 pm."

He nodded.

[Next Day]

Jasmine's pov
It was about 8:30pm and I was on my bed reading a book. My door swung open.

"Bitch get to ass up"

I jumped and fell of my bed onto the floor.
"ouch" I sat up and looked over at Mandy who was in a white bikini. She looked great in it.

"What's going on!" I questioned rubbing my eyes.

"Did you forget it's my party?" she scoffed with raised brows.

"No, I didn't. It's just very late in the evening."

"Get you're swimming costume out, it's a pool parrttaay!!!"

"O-okay" I smiled. She squealed and walked out shutting the door.

I got up and got changed into a tankini, I didn't want people making fun of my body, I am quite worryingly thin. I don't want people staring. The only other problem was that you could see my scars on my arms. I put on a jumper over the top and went downstairs.

Jungkook was setting up the floats and drinks.
Mandy was doing the food and music.

I walked up to Mandy. She smiled at me.

"You okay babe?" she uttered placing a hand over her eyes to block the sun.

"Yeah, can I help?"

"Could you help Jungkook with the inflatables."

I looked over to him and he was fighting the doughnut floaty. A giggle escaped from my lips.
I slowly walked over to him and sat down with my legs dangling in the pool.

He looked at me. "H-hey Jasmine."

I smiled faintly at him. My hand stuck out telling him to pass me the piece of latex-y rubber ring.
He handed it to me and I started to blow it up.

I finally finished blowing up the ring and threw it in the pool.

I got up and walked back inside.

[ten minutes later]

*Ding dong*

Mandy ran to the door and opened it. Everyone ran inside and out to the garden. It was manic. There was about 50 plus people.

I stayed inside intimated by the amount human souls that where there. My fingernails dug in the sofa and my toes curled up.

I looked outside and saw Georgia all over Jungkook...I could never get that. I'm too ugly. My head hung down and tears ran down my cheeks. I wiped them away.

I heard someone walk inside but I didn't look up. A few seconds later I saw a pair of feet in some Gucci sliders. My eyes followed the pair of slim legs up.

I saw a smiling Taehyung holding his hand out to me.

"Come on Jasmine."

I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. We held hands and walked outside.
Taehyung is one of my friends. I met him through Mandy. He can always make me smile when I'm down. And I appreciate him for that. Also the other five of his clique which are all close friends with Jungkook.
He sat with me at the edge of the pool before he spoke. "I'm sorry Jasmine...what Jungkook did to you, it's awful."

"H-he told you.." I frowned.

"He feels really terrible and hates himself."

"So do I." I chuckled.

He looked at me with concern. "Don't hate yourself Jassie."

"I try not to but it's know."
He nodded. I looked over at Jungkook and Georgia again. She was saddled on his lap, kissing his face, like she was sucking gold out of his soul.

Taehyung looked at what I was looking at.

"What the fuck is he doing?" he snarled. I looked at him confused.


He looked back at me."No, don't worry."

I sighed and kicked my feet in the water.

"Can you swim?" Taehyung smiled nudging me a little b

"Of course, I was in the swim team for 3 years."

Taehyung smirked at me. "Good"


He pushed me into the pool

I went underneath and pushed myself back up again. I slapped Tae's leg. He squeak in pain. I laughed at him. "You doughnut!"

He stood up and walked away, leaving me in the pool. I turned back around and Georgia wasn't with Jungkook. He was looking at the floor.

Something grabbed my leg. I was viciously pulled under water.

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