Chapter 12

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[Jungkook's pov]

She stepped down from the last step and I watched her body come closer to me. She sat down opposite me and looked up at the TV.

Her left hand went to hold her right arm. Her naturally perky boobs squished closer together.

I felt a red hot rush come over me. I couldn't stop looking at her body.

My palms became sweaty and my cheeks reddened. She looked over to me and smiled. It was the cutest. I sent one back to her.

We have become more distant with each other, from when I met Jessica.

I like Jasmine a lot, you can even call it love. I have for three years. But even though I'm dating someone else, I'm sure some of those feelings are still there, I'm sure.

I scratched the back of my neck and cleared my throat. She looked over at me.

"You okay Jungkook, you seem bothered." She raised an eyebrow but that just looked sexy on her face.

"N-no n-nothing." I was nervous, maybe I should get closer to her again.

"Can we play a game?" She asked me.

"S-sure...what game?" Why am I so nervous, it's just Jasmine.

She jumped off the sofa and crawled to the games cupboard. She got on her hands and knees. Her jumper rose up over her bum.

I was taken aback, it was the first time I've seen her ass, I would love to get behind that.

I licked my lips and let out a low growl. Thinking of what I want to do to her.

Spank her.

Kiss and caress that body of hers.

Bite on her neck as I enter my huge cock inside her tight warmth.

Tease her so bad it feels like torture.

Pound her so hard that she calls me Daddy.

Eat her out so good she whimpers begging me not to stop.

And at the same time make love to her and make her feel like a princess.

Lightly run my fingers over her delicate naked chocolate skin, sending shivers down her spine.

Grab her hips and tell her that she's mine as she moans my name.

Whisper dirty thing in her ears as I play with her.

Rub my wet fingers over her gorgeous lips

But I also want to take her out for dinner.

Have cute dates.

Kiss those soft plump lips of hers.

Look her in her eyes and tell her how beautiful she is.

Cuddle up with her.

Call her cute nicknames as we laugh and play together.

Wake up with her next to me

Hold her in my arms and tell her I love her.


I woke up from my trance and felt tightness in my pants.

I looked down. "Shit." I had a huge boner.
Jasmine turned around and her eyes widened. I quickly grabbed a pillow and covered my length.
"I-I...erm...It reason boner." I blurted out.

She bit her lip and raised and eyebrow. "Oh really."

I nodded rapidly.

She walked over to me and bent over, her face centre meters from mine. She looked down and giggled. Her hand gently rubbed mine and she removed the pillow from my bulge.

She tutted "Jungkook. You need to learn how to control your..." she tilted her head seeming impressed at the size of it. "Really big friend." I smirked slightly.

She stood up straight and strutted away. I watched her and licked my lips, her ass jiggled. I growled. "So you wanna play like that Babygirl." I looked down at my buddy who came out to play. I ran to my room and grabbed some lotion , tissue and my laptop.

I opened up my laptop and went on pornhub. I just clicked on any random video and started watching it, I skipped the role play and went straight to the action.

I started stroking my self as she began to lick the guys tip. I imagined it was Jasmine looking up at me with those big brown eyes.

As the girl started deep throating him I clenched my 9 inch dick and moved it back and fourth. "Fuck, just like that Jasmine." I groaned

She then sat her self on his dick and started jumping on it.

I tightened the grip around my cock and started going faster. My eyes shut tightly and the pleasure took over my body. My thoughts filled up with Jasmine moaning my name as I pounded into her. "Yeah baby." I moaned, my head tilted back and my mouth hung open.

I started thrusting my hips in the movements of her bounces. I bit my lip and shut the laptop. I could get off without the porn, and the thought of Jasmine.

My balls tightened and I felt the pre cum slip out. I used that as more lube to finally release in to my hand. "Fuck Jassie."

I was left breathing heavily. I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head.

"Argh!!" I screamed and shoved my dick back in my pants. Taehyung was standing at the door with his eyes widened and his mouth open.

"You dirty bastard." Taehyung burst out into laughter. I started at him in confusion. "W-what?"

He smirked. "You really like Jasmine huh, I mean you got a boner downstairs and I just caught to finishing up with your little session."

"H-how d-did you know?"

"Jasmine told me, we have gotten closer you know."


"Yes, I see her as a little sister, so break her heart Kookie boy, I'll kill you." He glared at me. "Sort yourself out, and talk to her, take her out, and tell her how you feel."

"B-But Jessica?" He scoffed and rolled his neck. "Are you seriously going to think about Jessica now after you just wanked off to the thought of you fucking Jasmine."

He has a point. And I kinda know deep down that she was only using me for money.

"But how do I break up with her."

"Don't worry about that now, just go and get Jasmine."

I nodded. "Please don't tell her about what you saw."

He smirked. "I can't promise anything."

"Taehyung!" He ran away.

I just chuckled and slouched in my bed.

[Jessica's pov]

"That cheeky little bastard, he wants to leave me for her. Oh trust me I'll make sure she kills herself, I'm gonna make her life hell, and see him heartbroken when she dies."

She was listening from the room next door. She heard him moaning and grunting. Saying Jasmine's name, she was pissed as fuck.

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