Chapter 19

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I felt a sharp pain in my head. I groaned and opened my eyes. My vision was blurry but I could see colours. I was in a white room like an insane asylum. I frowned and my site became clear. I tried moving my arms but they were locked to the arms of the chair. I looked up and saw a big window. I could see into the other room in front of me. I saw Jasmine unconscious in a chair tied up. I tried shouting, but my mouth was taped. Tears fell from my eyes as I saw her like that.

She started to move around and get out of the locks. She looked up and saw me. She was just staring at me. The locks in our seats came off and I ran up to the window banging on it. I took off the tape and yelled. "Jasmine I'm sorry Okay, please just let me explain."

She just stood up and walked away into the room behind. I slide down the wall and cried. I've ruined everything between us. I love her so much. I ran my fingers through my hair and hung my head. "I'm sorry Jasmine."

Soon I heard really faint screams. I stood up and saw Jasmine being dragged into the chair by some boy. I banged on the window. He locked her in and stabbed her in the leg. She screamed out in pain. My heart sank. Why the fuck is this happening. I kicked and punched the wall. He was torturing her.

Seeing her in pain and crying made me so heartbroken and mad. I'm gonna fucking kill that bastard. I tried breaking the glass but it wasn't working. It was too strong. I picked up the chair an threw it at the window. It just bounced back.

[Dove's pov]

After he finished with me he picked me up and took me to the room behind. He laid me on the bed and he tied my hands together. "W-who are you."

He just looked at me. "I can't tell you."

"Why did you take me, I didn't to anything."

"I know...but if I didn't I would have died so it's kinda a lose lose situation."

"Can you at least let him go, please."

"I can't."

He put alcohol rub on my leg and I stung like a bitch. I yelled out in pain. "Sorry, it stops it from infections."

"Did he tell you to do that to me?" I rested my head on the bed post.

"...yeah. But I don't want to."

"What will you do to him."


"Jungkook, please don't hurt him."

"I-I don't know if it's me that's meant to do it, he'll probably kill me."

"Why am I here."

"Because he wants you here."

"Is that my stalker. I just have a feeling it's him."

"I-I can't say." He said while bandaging up my leg.

"Can I at least get your name?"

"Call me Bambam."

I smiled faintly. "Okay."

He finished cleaning me up and I sat up on the bed. He handed me a notepad and felt tip pen.

"W-What's this for?" I asked

"To speak with Jungkook. You can't hear eachother, the walls are sound proof."

"O-Oh...Thank you Bambam."

He smiled faintly and walked out of the room, leaving me there. I hopped over to the window and saw Jungkook in the corner crying. It still hurt what he did but I think I need to let him explain.

Bambam slid a notebook and pen threw the letter box of Jungkook's door. Jungkook looked up slightly and saw it. I noticed he had a black eye and cuts on him. What did they do to him.

I knocked on the window trying to get his attention. He looked up and came running to the window with his notebook and pen. He put his hands on the window and looked at me. He smiled faintly and started writing on the paper. He put it up against the wall.

I'm really sorry Jasmine I never meant to hurt you in any way. I love you so much. The girl just pushed herself onto me I was in shock. I know that's not a good enough reason but I truly am sorry and I hope you can forgive me. :(

He waited for my response, I started writing in the note book.

I forgive u Jungkook. I'm sorry for getting us into this mess. I never meant for this to happen but I should have told u before...

Told me what?

Im being stalker. He left a note in my locker on the first day back from school. Then today there was blood in my locker with a dead squirrel hanging inside.

Why didn't you tell me Jassie. I could have protected you.

I didn't want to worry you. I thought it was a joke the first time, but it's obviously not.

He sighed and smiled softly.

We'll get out of here okay. I promise I'll try my best to get you out.

I'm not going anywhere without u.

Maybe you'll have to Jasmine. If it's the only way.

But I don't want to leave you here. Look what they did to us.

I know but I can't stand seeing you getting hurt. You're my Princess after all. I'm meant to protect u from everything.

I smiled and sniffed trying not to cry.

Well sometimes it's the Princess that does the saving.

He smiled.

Maybe it is. ❤️ I just want to hold u rn.

Me too kookie. Just be patient okay. Our family should notice we are missing soon.

Yeah they should.

I love you Baby.

I love you too my Kookie monster.

I blew him a kiss and he caught it. I giggled and he smiled at me.

Are u okay Jungkook, what did they do to you?

Beat me up. But it's not as bad as u. Are u ok.

I'm better now. I have to hop everywhere but I'm ok.

He giggled and stared writing.

We were there for another 10 minutes writing to eachother, when I saw a man in black walking down the hallway towards us. I dropped the note pad and pen and watched in fear as he approached my window. He stopped right in front on the glass glaring at me. I couldn't see his face properly but his eyes were piercing into my soul. I stepped back from the window. He smirked and suddenly banged on it, making me jump.

He slowly walked to the door and unlocked it. I saw Jungkook had so much anger in his eyes, but he could do anything.

The door slowly swung open and he stood there holding rope and a knife.

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