Chapter 8

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I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. She looked shocked at my actions but I didn't give a fuck.

"How dare you...are you that fucking crazy to try and kill someone!" I snarled.

She frowned. "B-baby w-wha-."

"Don't baby me and you know what I'm talking about, you're the one that strangled Jasmine underwater and left her for dead!"

Everyone gasped.

"Don't even think of denying it because she told me herself." She looked at me in shock. Like I'd never find out.

"We're over, don't fucking call me again!"

I walked off and let my sister deal with her, I heard her screaming, I know what Mandy was doing to her, a smirk just grew on my face.

I went back upstairs to my room. As I opened my door slightly I saw Jasmine at my book shelf. She took out my favourite series novel, and read the blurb.

"why have I not read this one before?" she uttered under her breath.

I smiled at her gentle presence before making myself known. "Ehem."

Her little body jumped and she dropped the book. She went to pick it up and looked at me.

"What are you doing in my room?" I smiled playfully at her but, she still seemed nervous.

"I-I'm s-sorry." She put the book back. I walked over to her and pushed my body against hers. My hands held her small waist.

She looked up at me and my eyes darted to every feature on her face.

Her soft skin, gorgeous big dark brown eyes, her cute small nose...and then her lips. Her lips drive me crazy, they're so big and delicate. The amount of things I want to do to those, it's crazy.

I took the book from the shelf.

"You like reading huh?"

She nodded. I gave the book to her. "Why are you giving this to me, I thought you hated me."

A frown was planted on her face, but then she smiled faintly. "Thank you for saving my life Jungkook, I appreciate it."

I smiled trying to keep my cool. "Would I have saved your life if I hated you?"

She shook her head. "There you go...and it's the least I could do, after the pain I put you through, I'm sorry."

She ruffled my hair. I smiled. She put the book down and walked out of my room.

I stood there confused. She is so mysterious.

[Jasmine's pov]

I went to my room, at sat on my bed. I think that was the closest Jungkook has been to me. I felt his warmth bounce off his toned muscly body and onto mine. I laid down thinking about it. He wasn't really close just close enough for me to feel his body warmth.

There was a knock on my door. I got up and opened it. Mandy was standing there with bottles of medication.

"are they mine?" I asked.

She nodded "this one is for your bulimia, this is for your depression. I also got you psychotherapy sessions with a professional."

I smiled faintly, she was just trying to help, and I appreciate it.

I pulled her into a tight hug.

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