Chapter 14

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[later that day]

I was in my room looking up at the ceiling. My bedroom door opened and Jasmine walked in with sweets. She was wearing red booty shorts and a black tube top.

I sat up and smiled.

"I thought this would cheer you up a bit."

But just seeing her face made me happy.
She came to sit next to me and offered me some sweets. I smiled and placed my hand in the bag.

"You know you smell nice." She sniffed my shirt. "Jungkook that is so nice."

I chuckled. "You like it huh?"

"I love it" she giggled.

I love you

She looked at me and smiled.

I fell back onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling. She fell down next to me. I rested on head on my hand, with my elbow holding me up. "You wanna do something?" I asked her.

She looked up at me and shook her head. I saw in her eyes she was tired. I gently grabbed her chin. A giggle escaped from her lips.

Her head fell back and she eventually closed her eyes. I watched her sleep and waited till she was in a deep sleep. I stared at her pretty face.

I lightly touched her lip with my finger. They were so soft and squishy.

I took my hand and slowly ran it down her chest to her breast. I grabbed it gently. Her instant reaction was to flinch in her sleeping state.

I let out a deep chuckle. Her boobs were stiff but still squishy, but more squishy than stiff...if that makes any sense.

I ran my hand down to her tummy, she felt so warm. I bit my lip as my hand got lower down her body.

I placed it on her toned thigh. I softly rubbed her inner thigh. I watched her face waiting for a reaction. She creased her eyebrows and bit her lip. I hovered over her slightly just staring at her face. I leaned in slowly wanting to kiss her, but I stopped myself. I put my lips to her ear. "You will be mine soon Babygirl."
I chuckled in her ear and pecked her cheek.

[Next day]

Jasmine's pov

My eyes slowly opened. I felt a heavy pressure on my body. I fidget and looked down.

Jungkook had his arms around my small waist and his head resting on one of my boobs. His mouth was near my nipple.

"Jungkook?" I said softly. There was no reaction from him.

I wriggled around but he just flinched and held me tighter. I sighed. He had me trapped in his grip.

It did feel nice to have that comfort, but I wanted to get up.
I looked down at him and he smacked his lips softly together. I jerked my hips up into his stomach, his eyebrows just creased and went back to normal again his head rolled closer to my nipple. How much does it take for him to wake the fuck up.

"Jungkook, wake up!" He groaned and his lips rested on my nip. I gasped he stared sucking on it softly. He must of thought it was food or something.

I wanted him to stop but it felt so good. My nipples got harder and his sucking became more viscous. I moaned his name quietly, while I crossed my legs over trying to stop the liquid run down my thigh.

Soft whimpers escaped my lips, I needed him to stop now. I wiggled my body up and kneed him in the thigh hard.

All of a sudden I was pinned down to my bed. I was shocked to see an angry Jungkook glaring at me.

"What is you problem, can't you let me sleep."

"No, not when you are sucking on my boobs I can't."

His expression softened. "I thought I could hear whispering." He smirked before rolled beside me.

I scoffed, got out of bed and headed downstairs. 

Mandy was sitting with Yoongi, "Hey guys."

"Hi" they both said in unison

I went to make myself some pancakes

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