Chapter 25

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Three weeks later...

Jungkook was discharged from hospital, he can come home now. I haven't seen him since that day. I want to but it's strange for him. Mandy comes over to mine regularly, we catch up on things and spend quality time together.

The police are still looking for Youngjae, I'm scared he's still out there looking for me.

Bambam is back with his family, we still keep in contact, he sends me pictures of him and his sister. It was sweet.

I was getting ready for school.

I got my school bag and Mandy bibbed for me

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I got my school bag and Mandy bibbed for me. I walked out of the house with my bag and opened the front door I got in. "Hey bitch!" She laughed.


"Hi jasmine." I looked to the seats at the back and saw Jungkook smiling. "H-hey..." I turned back around and looked out of the window. I didn't know what to say. I guess I'm not his girlfriend anymore so it's awkward.

We got to school and walked to the entrance. I opened the doors and everyone was looking at me and Jungkook. I was walking towards my locker when my hand was grabbed gently. I turned around and saw Jungkook.


"Are you okay?"

I smiled softly "I'm fine. You okay?"

"Y-Yeah." He started fidgeting "Can I ask you something?" He said looking at the floor.


"Are we still a thing, I know I don't remember you but I know that you love me. If you want me to try and remember you, I can."

I smiled softly, he's so sweet. "I would like that...o-only if you're okay with it. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"No im okay with it, I mean you are really beautiful, no wonder I loved you for so many years."

"Thanks.." I went all shy "Did Mandy Tell you?"

"Yeah. And what I did to you before, I am really sorry I made you feel like that."

"It's okay, you made it up to me."

"I-I did."

"Mhm, someways better than others...if you know what I mean."

"We had sex?"

"No! But you did give me head, just saying."

He looked shocked. "I-I gave you...head."

"In your car, it was so good." I smirked. He chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry if that was too much, I just thought you should know."

"'s okay, I just never saw myself doing that."

"Not to get me wrong Jungkook, you were really dominant and kinky. Like a Daddy."

"Did you call me that?"

"Not that I can remember, but you did call me your Princess, Kitten and Jassie bear."

" names. Did you have one for me?"

"Kookie monster."

He chuckled lightly. "Cute." He stepped closer to me.

"Can I take you out after school. I-I want to get to know you more." He looked down at the floor.

"I would love that." I smiled at him. He looked up and smiled softly.

"Cool, meet me after school?"


He hugged me unexpectedly. I giggled and hugged him back. "Bye Jas."

"Bye Kook." He smiled and walked away.

I got my stuff out of my locker and walked to class. I was suddenly jumped on by a bunch of boys. I soon realised it was the boys.

"Jassie you're back."

"We missed you so much."

"You had us worried sick."

"Guys you're squishing me."


They got off me and I looked at all six boys. I hugged them all individually. When it came to Taehyung he lifted me up in the hug. I giggled.

"My little sister, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Tae."

He put me down. "Have you guys spoken to Jungkook. If you haven't just to let you know he has temporary memory loss so he might not remember all of you."

"Oh was it that bad?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah he doesn't remember me."

"Aww Jassie." Jin hugged me. "Don't worry, it won't last forever."

"I know, but he asked to take me out after school."

They all oohed like the idiots they are. I rolled my eyes playfully. We walked into class and sat in any seat we wanted. Jungkook walked in and decided to sit next to me. I smiled to myself.

I could feel all the boys smirking. Jungkook was looking down at me. I looked up at him and smiled. He chuckled and started writing in his book. I rested my head on my palm and gazed at his beautiful face. "Jasmine why are you staring at me." He said while doing his work.

"S-Sorry..." I started doing my work.

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