Chapter 4

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Third pov

Ray swallowed any nervousness as she drove through the crowd. If there was going to be any chance for her to pull this of then she needed to act like her nickname. The racing Queen. She'd gotten it for a reason, and now she was going to need to use every bit of herself that had gained her the nickname.

It was common knowledge for people that knew Brian that he cold be cold and ruthless. Though not everyone realized that it was a shared trait in the siblings. Ray could be just as cold and ruthless as Brian, sometimes more.

She parked her car and got out receiving many stares from males and females. Most of the women looking at her had jealously in their eyes while the men looked her up and down.

She'd choosen skinny jeans, a black tanktop, a thin brown jacket and boots. And of course she had Dom's cross hanging from her neck. She thought back to their kiss and had to hold back a smile.

"Well hello there, sexy lady~ Who you here with?" A blond guy tried (and failed) to look flirty. Even if he had been good looking he wasn't her type.

"I'm here to race."

He and the ladies he was with laughed. "Think you have what it takes to work for Braga?"

Ray rolled her eyes. "Pretty sure i have more of what it takes than you do." She smirked as she saw that she'd hit a nerve.

Just as he was about to answer another woman came. "I hope you aren't causing problems. Braga himself asked for her presence."

Dwight (the blond guy) shook his head. "No trouble here."

The woman turned to Ray. "Follow me, you're first to arrive."

They went up to the second floor. You could see the ground floor through a big part of the floor that was seemingly made out of glass.

A guy (Campos, if what Brian told her was right.) was playing golf. There was other people there but from what she could see none of them were the guys she was up against. She put up her ice queen mask.

"Well if it isn't the Queen of racing." Campos studied her.

"If it isn't one of the guys that tries to threaten people to work for him. If that's how you do buisness then I'm surprised you guys are still running."

A tattooed guy sitting by the table obviously didn't like that and was about to snap back at her but Campos stopped him. "Play nice Fenix. Braga himself asked for her." He turned his attention to her again. "You're the first one here. Why don't you, sit down, grab a drink." It was obvious he expected her to obey but she just stood there.

Ray gave the most sarcastic eyeroll. "I have as a rule not to accept drinks from people that threathen me." She shrugged. "Sitting down sounds nice though."

She pretended not to see the mixture of angry and hungry looks directed at her as she took her phone out and sent a message to Brian.

It seems Campos has an interest in Ray. Why do you think that is?

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