How you meet

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Info about you

Night time in New York City never bothered you so much, you're able to hold your own from a few mishaps here and there. 

You lived in a one room apartment with your pet Huskey you named Tanuki for a very obvious reason to you, he looked like a racoon dog puppy.

You were 18 this year working two part time jobs one was at a gym and the other at Mr. Murakami's noodle shop.

You finished school and had online classes for college, you were plenty clever but sitting in a classroom wasn't your vibe at all, you enjoy being active and thought of your self as a self-sufficient person.

Your parents were always to busy with work or them selves to worry about you, when you asked to move out they gave you a one room apartment and not wanting them to keep tabs on you, you started working to earn money. 

You didn't know what your father did but he would be gone for weeks on end and your Step mother would take that time to go with her many secret lovers. Every time you caught her she would give you shushing cash and tell you not to say anything. 

Your real mom passed away when you were 8, things were the opposite back then too. Dad Would be home more and mom would always be attentive to you always playing, cooking, goofing around, and enjoying her spoils.

 That was 10 years ago and you've excepted your new way of life that was until . . .


Your POV

You were walking home after closing up the gym for the night, headphones in each ear you space out a bit while walking home.

Thunk . . . 

Something rolls out from the alley  way you walked passed hitting your foot.

'lava lamp? never seen one like this before?'

You take off your headphones and look down the alley, you hear foot steps and some one talking in a monotone like voice.

"Kraang is that which is known as, idiotic. The mutagen that fell in this place is not in the place Kraang said it was in."

'that's a . . . weird way to talk?'

"This is definitely known as not good for Kraang, That which is needed for plan is not in the place Kraang said it was in."

'are they talking about this thing?'

You look at the glowing thing in your hand thinking you should put it down.

'if I roll it back it should be ok right'

You walk a bit closer and were about to roll it but stepped on a cats tail that hid in between the trash cans.

"Ahh!", You stumble on the floor dropping the glowing lava lamp looking thing.

"In Kraang's face." one of the look a likes pointed to the other.

"The place that Kraang was seen has been seen in this place, making this place known as Compromised". 

They both look at you one coming closer and the other grabbing what you dropped.

"w-what do you want from me? I'll have you know I can kick your butt!"

You get back on your feet and kick one of them in the man parts but he didn't move.

'a-are you kidding me! He didn't even Flinch!'

TMNT x Reader Raphael [ complete ]Where stories live. Discover now