two of a kind

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"test subject seems to be responding well to the medication that was administered to her a few hours ago, not conscious yet while vitals are stable". someone was speaking but i felt so drained and weightless.

'whats going on', i tried to move but to no avail.

looking around I noticed wires around me and ... a mask on my face with, 'bubbles?'. I finally realized what I was in and it terrified me, they had placed me in a tube filled with a liquid and I had a oxygen mask on.

I started to panic but something was being pushed into the mask making me calm down, "easy little pet, I don't want you to ruin my Experiments ... I have use of you yet so be a good girl for your dad and sit still", it was sacks and he had an evil smile plastered on his face looking delighted about using me like a lab rat.

"Hey Sacks, shredder wants a word with you", someone said from the door way making him leave.

"fine but don't touch anything Karai ... you might be his daughter but your also a brat just like that monster", he left snarling his words.

'what a hateful man ... what ever happened to you ... ', I thought to myself as a little tapping sound was heard at the base of my tank.

when I looked down I saw it was karai, "hey ... look I know you don't trust me but Leo sent me to find you ... unfortunately there in the dungeon being tortured", I looked at her with a glare.

"its not me ... its the shredders doing ... he wants to use you as an obedient mutant and with your powers he can have you control them all, im doing this as a favor to them ... I don't have time so ill be back for you later", she left me going back to the door but not before she wiped the camera that was on me at all times.

'why would she help me ... can I really trust her I mean she's the princess of the foot clan', I mentally argued with myself over if I should believe her or not.

Sacks came back with tools and Baxter, they looked like they were going to be taking me apart but the tools were sent down a different room making my imagination run wiled. 'if its not for me then who'.

They came closer to me draining the water with in the tank, "You take her to the table and strap her down Immediately or it will wear off", Sacks instructed Baxter.

"if this was my experiment I would have never used such a flimsy gas", he mumbled as he took me out of the room.

I was almost strapped in all the way when an alarm started to go off making Baxter flinch, "W-whats happening!?". he ran out the room and I started to feel again.

'this is my chance', as I took off the binds I felt something missing and looked at my body in a mirror.

"n-no way ... t-there gone ... w-wait", I checked my other powers to see what had happened and in my horror I was powerless.

I couldn't shatter anything I couldn't make my eyes change to that dark red and I couldn't use my Dragon mutation, "w-what happened to me".

The door opened suddenly and it was karai she had a change of clothes for me and forced them on me, "No time to talk put this on".

"that Monster took my powers away from me", I said putting the mask on and followed her out.

'everything hurts ... and im covered in bandages ... what the hell did he do? how long was I out !?!?', I was trying my best to remember anything but it was all a blur.

"hey get your head out of the clouds and stand up straight", Karai warned and I did as she said.

'I might not know her that well but shes helping me now ... I hope', still feeling suspicious of her.

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