Mission time.

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You were in Raph's room when the alarm went off, you grown pulling the sheets over your head.

"Come on sleepy head~ we have to get up", he pulled the sheets off of you.

"but raapphh~ I sleepyyy", you drop your weight on him dramatically.

"nope this is the price you pay for wanting to be a badass", he got up getting ready you followed his lead and get dressed.

Changing out of your Pj's and into some workout leggings and matching shirt tying your hair back in a pony-tail.


"alright, lets get going", taking your hand as he walked out of the door.

"isn't that cute", Mikey cooed at the sight of us.

"I'll give you a three second head start . . .1 . . .2", Mikey bolted running around while Raph chased him.

You let out a sigh and walk to the dojo sitting next to Donnie and Leo.

"morning boys", you gave them a sleepy smile.

"morning", they both said with a smile.

"hey guys", April walked in.

"I didn't know you stayed over?", you tilt your head.

"yeah I was working all night on a project and crashed. . . the alarms woke me up so I thought I would join".

Mikey came running in with Raph right behind him, extending your hand you managed to grab Raph making him laydown on your lap, he looks up at you not expecting what you just did.

"you comfortable", you grin at him.

"a little", he grins back.

You let him go as Master splinter walks in.

"Todays exercise will be last one standing, get in positions", everyone got up taking out there weapons.


You and Raph both bolted for the targets you knew you could take down, you ran for Mikey while he went for Leo and April went for Donnie.

You punched and kicked but he dodged you, you tried again but he just kept dodging you.

"How can you hit something you cant even see Dudette", he laughed a bit.

He jumped ready to attack you, grabbing his arm and kneeing him in the gut making him fall.

"Like that"

"Good one (y/n)", he said crawling over to the side.

You look over seeing that Donnie had already been taken out,  April threw her fan over, you managed to avoid it taking out your weapon and block her attempts.

'its an advantage that we train together since she needs to work on her openings'

You smirked getting low and throwing her off her feet, when she fell slowly making her join the others. You watched Raph and Leo evenly holding each other not paying any attention to you.


You jumped up landing on Leos shell pushing him towards Raph witch surprised them both, Pulling Leo to the floor and taking down Raph with your weapon they both hit the floor at the same time.


You get off of them hearing a little clapping from the door way.

"nice work sis who knew you would be this strong", you walked over to him with a smile.

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