.Watch and Learn.

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You were at the end of your rope you couldn't take it anymore and were about to give up.

"Come On Its Been Like What 2 minutes". Raph poked your fore head.

"huuuhhff ... this feels like punishment!". your arms were shaking.

"its just planking, I could do this for 5 minutes with out breaking a sweat." he walks to your side and puts some of his weight on your back.

"Raphhh! Ughh Get Off!". You try holding it but your arms gave out from the added weight from Raph.

You lay on the floor defeated trying to get your breathing under control.

"You . . are The ... Worst". you said in between pants.

"thanks, after you catch your breath I'll show you how to get out of some situations." He chuckles and hands you water.

You sit up and chug your water some of it spilling from the sides of your mouth, to tired to care about the stray droplets you get up and stretch.

"Alright! what's next", you were tired but eager and had no plans to give up so easily.

"fired up as always", He gave you a smirk.

Raph walked up to you and swiped your feet making you fall, he put his arms under you and lied you down moving his hands on your wrists.

"Now try getting out of this princess", he smirked.

'I know how to get out of this! Thank you internet!'

You pin his back leg and shift one hand up in a fast motion and flip him over pinning him this time.

You let out a soft giggle at his surprised face.

"that was fast?! where did you learn that."

You get off of him.

"there's a lot of videos out there, I've been watching self defense videos . . I didn't think it would actually work." 

You get up and extend your hand to him. 

"Not bad, not bad at all".

He grabbed your hand and pulled you in to a bear hug.

"Lets see if your videos can help you with this one."

'hes to close to my ear'

You can feel him breathing down your neck and it tickles a bit.

'no cant lose focus!'

You drop your weight forwards and step on his foot making him lose his balance and fall to the floor.

"sorry did I hurt you". you look at him hold his foot.

"Nope . . . totally fine", he gets up. 

"you did manage to get out of it, nice job".

He pats your head and continues to show you some self defense.

After what felt like forever you guys took a break, your stomach was calling for food but your body just wanted to lay down.

'food . . but tired. . but hungry . . so sleepy~'

You wobble to the couch and lay down, The boys  watch you crash on the couch and look at Raph.

"what?" He snapped at them

"you couldn't have gone a little easy on her?", Leo said getting you some water.

"Yeah dude she's just a beginner", Mikey grabs the box of Pizza and brings it over.

"She looks like the walking dead, i'll get her some thing for the soreness", Donnie walked to the lab.

TMNT x Reader Raphael [ complete ]Where stories live. Discover now