It's a dragon thing, you wouldn't understand~

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"Test one, my dear would you mind raising your tail for me up and down then left to right", dad instructed while taking notes.

"Alright,  Easy Peezy!".

"Next in going to examine it's  length, this will require me to touch you so if it feels odd Try not to slap me in the face with your tail", he took out measuring tape and went to do as he said.

'. .! Oh-', I flinched at the touch. "U-um- could you not . . Maybe we could do it last?", i said feeling shy.

"I see, you suffer the same sensitivity as I . . Alright I have an idea I'll be back", he left the room only to come back with Raph.

"W-wiat why is he here exactly. . WAIT YOUR NOT-", he cut me off.

"He's going to be taking all the measurements, that way if you lash out I won't be held accountable", he had a pleased face as he explained.

"Wait 'held accountable' what's that supposed to mean", Raph question his reasoning.

"Just do as your told, this is the only time I'll allow you to Touch my Daughter, Understood", he glared at Raph making him gulp.

"I got it, Give me that stupid tape already", he got the measuring tape going behind me.

"W-wait Im not ready!", I said flustered.

"So as I say Raphael, go from the base on her lower back all the way to the tip", father instructed and Raph did just that.

'No no no no no- hold it in! Don't make that Forbidden sound!', I mentally fought myself desperately trying not to Let Out A Peep.

"Good, that is about the link they expected seeing as she's still young. Next is the wing span. first, how long one is and second, is the over all span of both wings", he instructed starting with one of my wings.

I let out a Deep breath happy that my tail was left alone now, 'that could have been wor!-'. "Hmm!-", I flinched at the touch of my wings.

"Oh dear . . Looks like your wings are also sensitive", dad noted it down then told Raph to be gentle with the wings.

"Wing span was larger then I expected, alright now let's test out your adorable little fire burps", he said while pinching my cheeks.

"Dad no", I pushed his hand off my face.

"Come on sweety~ who's my favorite little dragon~", his attitude was making me embarrassed.

"I'm going to leave no- Um!", I felt the heat building up again and shot up.

"(Y/n)! Are you-". Raph was going to help but dad stopped him.

"Don't or you will be burned by the burp",he held Raph back.

I burped in a corner of the lab facing a blank wall and slumped over from the sudden burst, "ugh. . . I hate that".

"From that little experiment there more emotional based like embarrassment", he came over with water.

I took it and chugged hating the taste of it, "why couldn't you try a different way".

"What, would you rather I have a boy make my little girl all flustered instead? I think not", he ruffled my hair.

"That's the end of the tests, for now", I let out a sigh of relief. "Now we fly", he extended his wings.

"Waaaaa~ yours are so much better then mine", I ran over to examine his wings delightedly.

"Look but don't to- ACK! HEY!".

"Ah! Sorry my bad", I let him go.

"Honestly child", he rubbed his wing.


since i have been gone for so long i hope all you Raph fans will enjoy my double update~ Happy reading everyone.

Raph:"so you left us for the holidays, and just wrote none stop?.

author:"yes . . ."

Raph:"were your really that bored or do you just not have friends"

Author:" I-I have friends and wrighting is good for the mind! Dont make me give you cat ears in the next chapter Raph! I'll make you look cute!"

Raph: *Raph has run away from the conversation* "Done You Dare!"

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