..save him..

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For the passed weeks you had a routine going Wake up and train, hang out with land, spend time with Raph and then some more training. 

Landbert was getting better and you were glad but deep down you wish he didn't, it meant he would leave you again and seeing as he was basically your only family left you felt sad.

'I have to talk to him about this'

You got up to look for him checking the living room and the dojo even the bathroom but no Land. 

'were is he?'

You wandered to the lab but before you could go in you heard the boys talking about something.

"YOU WHAT! No No way!", Raph yelled.

He was holding him by the color of his shirt.

"just listen . . she has the right to know why I must do this at least.", he tried reasoning with Raph.

"Raph calm down", Leo took him off Land.

"Are you sure this is the only way? I mean its (y/n) were talking about here . . she wouldn't like the idea of her only family member doing a suicide mission on his own". 

"your right . . but you also don't understand the whole story". Land looked at them and started to explain.

"we aren't just 'family' We are Family By Blood . . I escaped but at a cost . . I left our father behind Her real Father!", he grit his teeth.

'land . . and d-dad'

You kept listening to the conversation in shock.

"I'm going back to TCRI to save him from that hell hole! I don't want her to worry about this . . she has enough things to worry about", he said looking sad.

You bust into the lab not being able to take anymore of this.

"Who Do You Think Makes Me WORRY! You Keep Secrets From Me! Never Telling Me The Whole Truth!", you felt hot tears run down your face.

"(y/n) . . I-I just-"

"No way . . I'm not losing you Again if you go to save him I GO TO!" you demanded holding his shirt.

"What!", he said in sync with Raph.

"That's not happening!", they both said.

"If I cant go with you I'll go with out you . .", you said in a cold voice which was not normal for you, it made them go as white as a ghost.

After a few seconds of silence Leo spoke up.

"(y/n) . . you cant go"

"wha-", he cut you off.

"But we will", he looked at you hoping that would be enough.

You looked at him and understood your selfish actions just now.

" . . alright but keep them safe . . for me", you tried not to sound broken.

"I'm sorry, the last thing I wanted to do was make you upset.", land hugged you  

You hugged him back tears still falling down your face, when you parted he brushed your cheek and gave you a smile.

You looked at the guys and gave them each a hug, you felt drained for the night but couldn't sleep for the life of you.

'Raphs not here . . .', you leave the room to go meditate under the tree to your surprise Splinter was still awake.

"Sensei what are you doing up?"

He held the picture of his wife and child, "I could not sleep so I thought it would be good to meditate", he placed the picture back.

"may I join you I have some things I need to clear"

"I would enjoy the company", you sat next to him and clear your mind.

'just like before . . . breath and clear your mind'

You let yourself relax and let all the thought that ran in your head go, before long you felt like only 5 minutes passed before getting interrupted by the boys coming back tired and exhausted.

"(y/n) why are you still up?", Raph walked in looking like the dead.

"I couldn't sleep so I thought meditating would help", you get up slowly but then sink back down.

'Oooh pins and needles . . my legs fell asleep', you wiggled in place trying to wake them back up.

He chuckled and extended his hand, "need help princess".

"n-no I can get up", you stumbled with every step the tangling sensation spreading making it hard to walk.

"as fun as it is watching you I Really need sleep", he picked you up despite your protests.

When you got to his room he set you down and wrapped you up in a blanket, he had a serious expression on his face and then went behind you holding on tight.

"Raph?", he berried his face on the back of your neck.

"we go tomorrow . . . I'll make sure to save him", you kissed the arm that was wrapped around you.

"I know you will . . I'm really grateful for everything you and your family have done for me", you started to cry a bit.

"hey . . there your family to we all care about you I Just Care A Bit More is all", you break away and face him.

"a bit~", you hold onto one of his hands.

"ok a lot", you placed your forehead on his.

"never forget this okay . . your mine and I'm yours forever", your voice trailed off and you slept in his arms.

"I will never forget", he kissed you then fell asleep preparing for tomorrow. 


Hello my Raphael fans . . .  im sorry for not updating this story but I will finish this before working on anything else I am working on!! love all of you and hope you enjoy the story so far.

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