End of the suffering

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"That Is My Property", Sacks said extending his hand.

"She Is MY DAUGHTER YOU NARCICSISTIC ASS", Dad yelled baring his fangs.

'ive never seen him like this ... ', I started to not feel safe and took a hold of Raph backing up.

"Really? Since When? She Was Mine And You Didn't Know About Her Till That Slut Started Showing Am I Right", He laughed and snapped his fingers sending the bots to attack.

"She Was The LOVE OF MY LIFE AND YOU KILLED HER", Father flew at Sacks but the robots got in the way but that could never stop him in his rage as he set them on fire with a beautiful blue flame. 

He flew out of the room and chased after him, the mutants went and followed and so were we, "Raph hold on to me Were going to!", I took a hold of his chest wrapping my arms around him as best I could and went after dad.

"Whoa- wait this is a little to fast!".

When we caught up we entered a big room with glass windows and a thrown in the center, "this is shredders room", Raph said feeling unsettled then pointed up, "lets go up there", I nodded and let him go.

"YOU MONSTERS ARE ALL THE SAME", He took a remote out but looked confused looking around for something.

"You Will Pay For Everything You Put The People I Love Threw From Death TO Suffering ALL OF IT", he was getting closer to Sacks.

"DONT JUST STAND THERE YOU USELESS ANIMALS HELP ME", The mutants went to help sacks but dad was to strong even for them.

I let my power take over and held out my hand, "Enough! Sit!", I commanded and they followed although they resisted despite there efforts they couldn't disobey me. 

"there you are little monster", He aimed the remote at me activating something under my bandages making me wail in pain.

"AHHHHHH!", I fell from our hiding spot.

"(Y/N)!!!", they both yelled.

Dad caught me before I hit the floor but he noticed I wasn't acting myself, "now lets test this out shall we, (y/n) my precious experiment 'Tell him to stay still'".

"Stay Still", Father froze in place and I was in shock by what I just did.

"w-what did you do to me?!?", I looked at dad and was about to let him go but sacks beat me to it.

"Stay silent child and come here to your real father".

My feet moved on there own and tears fell with every step, 'No .. I don't want this! NOOO'. I was right infront of him and he lifted my chin. "now tell them 'to kill eachother'", he turned me around and I stiffened.

"k-k-kill .... e-each o-ughhh!", I bit my tongue to stop myself making myself bleed.

"you stubborn girl", he loomed over me and Slapped my face.

"DONT YOU DARE HURT HER", Raph came down from the hiding place and was about to attack.

"tell him to 'sit'".

"Sit!", I said regretting everything that was being done to me.

Raph stiffened and sat on the floor fighting to get back up.

"If you don't listen to me then I might as well kill them myself", he took out Raphs weapon from his belt and walked over to dad.

"you will be the first to go".

'No No No Stop! Don't! Stop!', I fought with myself using everything I had to stop him from hurting him like he did with mom. "I SAID STOPPP", I screamed getting up and going full dragon with my wings fully extended and horns to match.

TMNT x Reader Raphael [ complete ]Where stories live. Discover now