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My classes were over and I was walking to the grocery store so I would actually have something to eat and I was starting to stress with everything coming up tomorrow. I had to figure out how I was getting to Colorado for the wedding and if Oliver was still going things would be hella awkward. I walked into the store and went back to the food aisle grabbing some snacks and then I was on my way to grab some Mac and cheese when a guy tapped me on the shoulder, I turned to see a guy with brown hair and pretty hazel eyes smiling, "Hey, I was wondering if you could maybe help me."

"Uhmm Yeah sure, what do you need."

"Well you see I was going to buy some flowers for a friend at this shop but I couldn't find it so I stopped here and they don't have what I'm looking for."

"Well you're in luck I happen to be an expert in the flower department."

"Thank God cause I was looking around here and they seemed to have sold out."

I looked at the guy sighing and trying to use my better judgment, this man was well dressed so he obviously had money and he wouldn't rob me. If I walked along the sidewalks then I'd be out in the open and nobody abducts somebody out in the open like that, "Alright tell you what I'll walk you to this flower shop I work at and even though it's closed I can let you buy some flowers since it's for your friend."

He smiled, "Wow, you truly are amazing I don't think I've talked to someone this nice since I recorded a conversation with myself."

I narrowed my eyes maybe it wasn't a good idea to walk with him he could be crazy, he seemed to notice and his eyes widened, "that was a joke, you were supposed to laugh."

"Oh okay, Well then let me finish shopping and then we can go."

I walked around to get some waters when he sighed, "So what's your name anyways?"

"Benelli, I know it's different whats your name?"

"Gabe, So you seem stressed is there something you want to talk about."

I chewed at my lip, "trust me you probably don't want to hear about it."

"Well you need to get it out and who better to tell it to than a stranger."

I looked at him and for some odd reason I trusted him instantly and that scared me maybe I trusted too easily and that was what was really the problem. Would if we weren't supposed to be on the trusting stage yet and I just forced him into it. He clicked his fingers in front of my face, "Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah sorry I zoned out I was just thinking."


I sighed rolling my eyes walking towards the front, "fine but you have to promise not to make fun of me."

"Okay go."

"Well first off there's the thing with my best friend Max, He's super pissed at me because I-I kind of told him he never stood a chance with his crush that he's been pretty upset about."

"Damn did you apologize?"

"I tried and he basically told me that there was nothing I could say to fix it."

"Well then first I'd suggest giving him space. You should also get him something special and not like flowers I mean something sentimental and you need to truly show him that you care and didn't mean to hurt his feelings."

"Okay well even if I fix that there's this thing with my other best friend Kalie."

"What's the deal with her?"

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