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"Okay seriously if I find you two like this again I'm gonna jump on top of you."

I groaned rolling over, "what time is it?"

"It is 9 in the morning."

I stood up yelling, "what!"

Oliver groaned and I ran quickly into the room grabbing a random shirt throwing it on and running to brush my teeth. I ran into my room slipping on socks and grabbing my slides. I then went in the living room to see Oliver sitting looking at me, "why are you running around like a chicken with your head cut off?"

"I have class which started 15 minutes ago."

I grabbed my bag realizing I didn't finish my essay but shoving it in my bag anyways, "shit shit shit how on earth."

Oliver laughed watching me struggle to tie my hair up and grab my things at the same time, "don't laugh at me this is your fault, I'm late."

He held his hands up and I finally got my stuff together running out the door and down the stairs. I sprinted down the street to my class just trying to make it there maybe she wouldn't notice me slip in. I ran to the door and opened it slowly walking in, I spotted an empty seat next to Clyde and slid in. He looked at me smirking, "late night with Oliver?"

I sighed looking at him and then looked away, taking my paper out to take notes. I took notes and then whispered back, "no I just fell asleep while watching a movie."

He nodded and I kept taking notes until she asked us to turn in our essays. I got mine passing it down even though it wasn't finished. Some credit was better than no credit.


The class ended and I was grabbing my stuff going to leave, right after I finally got my stuff together I heard my name, "Miss. Benelli Roadz let me have a word with you."

I sighed walking down the steps to the front of the lecture room. I stood in front of her and gave a small smile, "Yes mam?"

She grabbed my paper which somehow ended on top, "want to explain to me why your showing up in the middle of my lecture and turning in work half done?"

"I'm sorry I've just been busy lately with my brothers wedding and I had to fly out and I didn't really have time so I'm sorry."

She shook her head at me, "Time, that's the most common excuse."

I looked down and went to say something but she cut me off, "I just hope you know that not all professors care about their students like me and I really want you to succeed, It's the goal for all my students that's why I'm fair, so just because your dating or are friends with Oliver Knight doesn't give you an excuse to not do your work. I'm grading what you have now and on the next assignment I expect better....you're dismissed."

I left out going up the stairs and mentally cursing myself. I made it back to the dorm to see Oliver shirtless and in a pair of his sweatpants he probably got from his bag. He had a coffee mug in his hand, and a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of him. Kalie sat across from him on her laptop with food. He smiled as I walked in and I sighed walking over to him, "Worst class ever."

"Was it really that bad?"

"I was late and turned in a half completed essay assignment. The professor called me down and then told me she was disappointed, and that just because I'm friends with you that doesn't mean I get an excuse not to do my work."

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