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"How did you get in..."

"Please just let me talk Elli."

"Why are you on your knees? How did you get in here? What are you doing?"

"Elli baby please."

I looked down contemplating all the feelings I had towards him. I didn't know if I should be angry at him for what he did and for leaving me without security knowing I had a creepy stalker. Or if I should be apologizing and forgive him cause it was my fault for pushing all this on him.

"Look Elli I know that I'm not what you deserve okay, I'm spoiled, and I can be a dick sometimes, but I'm sorry for that. I just want you to know that I'm sorry and I'm willing to get better and not just for you. For myself too because you made me realize that I want to be a better person. I want to try to trust you I mean really trust you because Elli I want to be with you."

I stopped completely not knowing what to say, here I was still not sure how to feel about him and he wants to be with me, "Oliver I..."

"You don't have to answer now I just want you to know that I'm ready when you are. I've realized that in order to know if we could ever work out I have to try it first."

I walked towards him and he stayed on his knees placing his hands on my legs looking up at me, "You mean something to me and I can see it when I look at you that you're something special I don't ever want to let you go again and I won't that's a promise."

"Oliver I just...I'm not sure yet you called me a bitch and I'm not sure if you meant to but I got followed today and I didn't have any security I was lucky that I had a friend around."

He stood up looking down at me holding one of my hands, "Elli you know I would never leave you to get hurt on purpose. I was just not thinking I was so caught up on trying to think about how to fix us I didn't even think about security."

"It's okay that's what I figured. How did you get in here though seriously."

"I just asked the lady at the main office. She was very kind and just let me right in. I think she ships us."

I laughed rolling my eyes, "Well that's the first."

"The third, theres her, your anonymous gift sender, and most importantly me."

I looked down, "Oliver you really hurt my feelings."

"I know baby and I'm so sorry. It's not going to happen again you mean too much for me to do something so stupid again."

"So you don't think that I'm a bitch?"

"Of course not, look none of this was your fault. You didn't deserve to be called that and you definitely didn't deserve to be treated like that. You never pushed me into anything I wasn't ready for I was always ready I just didn't know it."

"So Gabe told you then?"

"He seems to have taking a strong liking to you he kept on scolding me for what I said to you."

"He has a great taste in flowers."

"No you do, you always pick the prettiest flowers for yourself."

"I was picking them for Morgan."

"But who ended up getting them?"


"Exactly, So are we good now?"

I looked at my hands I could give him another chance everyone always deserves another chance, "Yeah, we're good."

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