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We walked into my dorm room and he closed the door behind us as I went to the couch and sat down he looked around chewing at his lip nervously, "Kalies not here?"

"Yeah, she and Max went out clubbing."

He nodded sitting next to me on the couch. Why did I have to see my mom tonight, and why did she have to treat me like that alongside Oliver's mom, was it just moms who were against me.

Also Oliver with that blonde I mean it doesn't hurt me because we're not together it just... surprised me. Maybe Oliver's mom was right and I'm dumb, I mean she's right I'm not pretty I'm no where near as beautiful as half the people in that place.

Oliver looked over at me and then put his arm around me as I cried into his suit, "just tell me what's wrong?"

I pulled away wiping the tears off my face, "I just I don't understand what I've done wrong it's like everything is against me."

"Did my mother say something to you?"

"Not only that....I saw my mom at the party and she basically told me that I was a pain in her ass, and a bad look for her."

"Hey it's okay sometimes you get dealt crappy cards and you just gotta play with them."

"W-would if I don't wanna play anymore, would if I'm tired of always having the crappy hand what happens when I want to end the game."

I looked down at my dress honestly wishing I never bought it and never went to this stupid party, "Elli you're not thinking of killing yourself are you?"

I looked up into his baby blue, as of right now they resembled the ocean with the salty tears that filled the brim of them. I sighed running my hands through the loose part of my hair, "No... I just...I don't know I-I just wish people didn't hate me or see me as this problem all the time."

He placed a hand on my shoulder turning me to face him properly, "people don't hate you and your not a problem."

"Tell that to my parents or your mom... or hey would about the lady at that fancy dress shop Kalie took me to, tell them that."

He looked down sighing and before I could comprehend anything he grabbed my face pulling me closer to him inviting in his minty fragrance. His breath fanned across my face as he looked down at my lips then slowly trailed them back to my eyes whispering, "I could tell them that, but honestly they'd have to see it with their eyes just to believe how truly beautiful you are."

He leaned forward closing the gap in between us and my whole world stopped. Every problem I thought was huge now seemed small an insignificant. It was like being trapped in an alternate universe, only I didn't want to leave I wanted to stay there trapped forever in this moment with his lips on mine and my mind lost in the no where.

I felt the warmth of his hand cup my face bringing me back to reality as he pulled back a bit only enough for me to catch a breath before attacking me again with the exhilarating feeling that was him. The way his lips moved across mine was like a water running down a stream, smooth and satisfying. He pulled back leaving his hand in place and looking into my eyes, and I swear I could see everything when I looked into them it was all there a whole future with me and him together we were happy. No scratch that we were more than happy we were alive for the first time in a long time.

He cleared his throat pulling back entirely and chewing at his lip before laughing a bit, "Has anyone every told you, that you're a really fantastic kisser?"

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I looked down at my hands like they were the most interesting thing in the world, "no I don't believe anyone has."

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