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"That's it Im jumping on them."

"Why would you do that?"

"I told them that next time I found them like this I would...wait a second where's Oliver."

"He's at his house up in West Point...shit I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

I groaned grabbing the nearest pillow and throwing it at them, "does she usually do this?"

"No this is code for somethings wrong."

I turned over to where I could see and she and Tommy stood in front of me. Kalie smiled, "so you want to talk or.."

I groaned turning to burry my face back into the pillows. I could hear her and Tommy talking before I felt the couch dip in quite a bit. I glanced up to see Tommy sitting there he placed his hand on my back patting it, "Alright come on let's talk."

I sat up and he placed his arm around me Kalie on the other side of me she smiled, "explain."

"So me and Oliver were kissing I started thinking about the last time I'd kissed someone else like that and I accidentally said Parker."

"Like out loud."

"Yeah, So then he got mad and he told me that this wasn't going to work and he wouldn't let me explain even though he screwed up before and I listened to him."

Before I could finish Tommy interrupted, "Wait what happened to your forehead it's so red."

"I'm getting to that part."

Kalie gasped jumping up immediately, "did he hit you, oh hell no Tommy lets go we're beating his ass."

Tommy stood following her before I yelled, "he didn't hit me, would you please just let me finish."

They both stepped away from the door and sat back down. Tommy moved my hair back looking at the bruise again, "Are you sure he didn't hit you, cause while he may be my employer I'll quit and beat his ass in a second if he did."

"Thanks, but yes I'm sure, so anyways he left and I went to chase after him but the media was going crazy out there and as soon as I stepped out I was swarmed and one of them hit me in the face, Oliver ran back over told them to get off me, took me up here and took care of my head but then he was telling me not to make him out to be the bad guy because he wasn't and I was then he proceeded to tell me about how it was a bitchy move for me to get pissed when he took pictures with Caroline and not allow him to be pissed when I said another guys name."

Kalie's eyes widened, "Are you serious right now?"

I nodded continuing, "so then I went off on him and he felt bad so then he was like sorry I wanna hear you out now, but I just repeated what he said to me because why would I hear him out when he wouldn't even stay to listen to what I had to say. I've heard him out before but when the tables are turned it's like he becomes incapable of hearing."

Tommy sighed and then looked at me, "well sounds like you guys just need a day to yourselves, but I think you'll be fine."

"I'm just so angry you should've seen how he was looking at me as he walked out the door and told me it wasn't going to work."

Kalie placed her knees upon the couch into her chest looking at nothing in general, "I know I would've been pissed if that happened to me, I'd probably have beat his ass."

Tommy looked at me concerned, "Are you sure your heads okay though."

I nodded, even though it was a lie and then got up walking to my cabinets and grabbing the bottle of Advil, I took two out and grabbed a water swallowing them down. I was about to go get a blanket from my room when there was a knock on the door, I walked over opening it to see Max standing there his eyes widened when he looked at me, "your foreheads really red are you okay?"

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