The Slytherin Tryouts

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"Well, you survived the first week," Draco said, slapping Merlin on the back.

He glared in reply. He was still disappointed that Snape hadn't slipped Gilderoy Lockhart some Hair Raising Potion during dinner after their first—well, he refused to even call it a class. He had fully intended to skip all future classes with the imbecile, but his fellow Slytherins had assured him they wouldn't allow a repeat performance to occur. They needn't have bothered, for though Lockhart continued to read from his books, he didn't ask Merlin to act it out—much to everyone's relief.

But even without Lockhart, the demand for homework had started and Merlin just didn't know what to do with it. Sure, he and Flitwick had managed to come to an arrangement but the other professors weren't nearly as accommodating. Professor McGonagall made no such allowances and even Snape seemed to think that writing essays would be good for his character. And by Friday, the mountain of homework that he had to complete was staggering, as was his total disinterest in doing it.

"I don't know how I'm ever going to get all of this done," he grumbled. "McGonagall and Binns want essays, and Snape has that potion ingredient write-up."

"Don't forget Lockhart." At the look on Merlin's face, Draco had to smother a snort of laughter. "Right, well, I think Hermione has a plan," he said as they walked through the entrance hall, back towards the dungeons.

"When did you two talk?" Merlin asked, surprised.

"Oh, just in passing," Draco said with a shrug, "Anyway, I told her that you were already having homework problems."

"Bet she expected that. Well?"

"Well," came Hermione's voice from behind them, "I said we should do a study group, didn't I?"

They turned around, and Merlin groaned. He remembered their study groups from the end of last year. "Already?" he said looking from one to the other.

"Not like that—more like communal homework sessions," Hermione clarified, correctly reading the look on his face. "That way you have someone to ask questions and we can make sure you stay focused."

"And she's got the best notes," Draco said with a shrug.

Merlin had to admit, doing his homework with the two of them sounded better. He still resented the idea but he couldn't just give up without trying. With a resigned sigh, he nodded and said, "All right. When should we meet?"

"How about tonight after dinner? Usual place in the library?"

"Wait," Draco said, holding up his hand. "Not tonight."

"Why not?" Hermione asked, frowning. "Might as well get it out of the way."

"Well," Draco said sneering, "other than wanting a break from a week of education, I've got Quidditch tryouts."

"So? Why not after the tryouts?"

"So," Draco continued, "tonight there'll be a party to honour the new team." He raised his eyebrow, "Of which I fully intend to be a part of."

Merlin smiled and raised his hand, "And I second that whole, 'need a break from education' thing."

Hermione groaned. "Fine, have it your way. Saturday," she said eyeing them both. "And you better come. I know Draco doesn't need it. But if you," she said nodding toward Merlin, "neglect your homework, just know that you'll probably end up doing it in detention anyway."

Merlin grimaced. "Right. I'll be there, promise."

Hermione held his gaze for a moment, as though making sure he meant it and nodded. She turned to Draco, raising her eyebrow, "You're trying out for the Quidditch Team?"

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