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It turns out his books are more fiction than fact, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. Gilderoy Lockhart has been revealed to be a spectacular fraud, taking credit for the accomplishments of other wizards, and then covering it up with memory charms.

Late last night, Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts and Supreme Mugwump on the Wizengamot, had the Department of Magical of Law Enforcement forcibly remove Lockhart from the Hogwarts grounds. Lockhart had come to the school earlier this year to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, but it looks as if he ought to have remained with his books. The famed author and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award has been charged with assault and witness tampering, with the promise of more to come.

The Headmaster has yet to release an official statement, but the Prophet can exclusively reveal that Lockhart assaulted two students and attempted to wipe their memories of the incident. Having failed and 'caught in the act' he obliviated himself.

"He's a coward," said Draco Malfoy, a Slytherin second year. "We all thought he must have been lying about his achievements, but we never thought he'd stoop so low as to attempt to outshine one of his own students."

It's no surprise that the student in question was Merlin Evans, who entered the public spotlight last summer after he fought off an attack from another of his professors, Quirinus Quirrell.

"He kept trying to put Merlin down," said Pansy Parkinson, a girl in Merlin's class. "He would have Merlin act out passages from his book, trying to embarrass him in class. Merlin was far more graceful about it all than I ever could be."

Merlin Evans is reportedly uninjured from the incident. The question that now faces the Wizengamot is how to sentence a man with no memory of his crimes.

"It looks as if he's selectively removed every memory about what he's done, including his entire teaching post at Hogwarts," said Mr Chilton, a mind Healer at St. Mungos. "He might be a fraud, but he's a genius with Obliviation and Confunding charms to have pulled this off without turning himself into a blank slate."

Lockhart is in a locked ward in St. Mungos while the mind healers take a look and see if there is anything that can be done to recover his memory of the incident. But with affidavits from two witnesses, and Dumbledore backing the claim, a trial may take place regardless, although there are already conversations about settling behind closed doors.

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