Displays of Power

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By the time Draco had finished asking his questions and Merlin led them back through the Chamber of Secrets and into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, it was almost time for breakfast. Merlin glanced back at Draco. He hadn't said a word after leaving the mosaic with Salazar Slytherin. Draco walked next to him silent, lost in thought, a darkened look of calculation in his grey eyes.

Merlin knew better than to break the quiet.

They turned the corner, down the first flight of stairs and found Lucius Malfoy in their path. He paused, mid-step at the sight of them, his eyes travelling slowly from Draco to rest on Merlin.

"Mr Malfoy," Merlin said in polite curiosity, "What brings you to Hogwarts?" He paused, and he added lightly, "At this hour?"

He saw a twitch in the man's jaw. Lucius had never looked at Merlin quite like that before.

"Why, you, as a matter of fact," and Lucius took another step so they were eye-level of each other. "You've had everyone in an uproar, and I must say even the School Governors aren't quite sure what to make of it. I'm just on my way to have a word with the Headmaster but," and he let the word dangle for a moment, still watching Merlin with guarded caution. "Yes, this is even better. Would you mind accompanying me?"

"Not at all," Merlin said with a soft glance at Draco. "I'll join you later."

Draco nodded in reply, and not looking at either of them, brushed past his father as he strode past. Lucius turned, trailing the boy down the stairs with his eyes. Once Draco had rounded the corner out of sight, he turned back to Merlin.

If Merlin didn't know any better, he'd say the man wore the same calculating expression as his son. For a moment Lucius didn't speak, then he led the way up the flight of steps and through a corridor. They were still at least three staircases away from the Headmaster's office when Lucius came to an abrupt stop in the corridor.

"Mr Malfoy—?" he began, but before Merlin could finish, Lucius seized his arm and threw him into a darkened classroom. Merlin stumbled back against one of the desks and stared up at him.

Lucius Malfoy had dropped the pretence. The veiled threat in his tone had vanished, in favour of a thundercloud across his features and a wand aimed carefully at Merlin's heart. And Merlin finally understood why Lucius had earned the reputation he did.

The man was dangerous.

"I think it is time we had a conversation," Lucius said, taking a slow step toward him, wand steady in his hand. "After all, you have somehow managed to single-handedly crumple the political climate in less than two years. A feat many aspiring politicians would be proud of, let alone a twelve-year-old orphan."

Gone was the oiled drawl, carefully tailored to sweeten the ears of bureaucracy. Instead, each careful word uttered was melted silver, resounding in the air like electrical current—a shuddered sharpness that warned of violence.

His grey eyes never left Merlin's face. "And it seems you've done it again. In the last twelve hours, I received a letter detailing that this Heir of Slytherin had kidnapped you and Miss Weasley and the school would be taking steps to complete a full evacuation, only to receive another letter hours later announcing all was well, and you presented with an Award for Special Services to the School. A feat not seen in fifty years..." Lucius Malfoy's lip curled in a poor representation of a smile. "And Gilderoy Lockhart has been arrested?" He shook his head, and then the smile fell from his face.

Merlin knew he had the power to drag the floor with the man before him, but he still felt a ripple of anxiety at Malfoy's gaze of cold dispassion.

"You have my undivided attention."

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