The Curse Breaker

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Healer Bloom was a short, heavy-set woman with long curly dark hair and a big heart, who fussed almost as much as Madam Pomfrey. Three times a day, right after urging Merlin to eat a little more food— a struggle with his nonexistent appetite—she would help him knock back a handful of potions. Fever reducers, pain relievers, and a triad she called The Brain Team, which were supposed to treat inflammation, promote brain tissue regeneration, and the recovery of memories. At first, Merlin had been concerned—were the dosages correct?—until Healer Bloom had explained.

"We cast a spell on you the moment you arrived to figure out your exact dosage for potions. It's standard for all patients." She gave him a warm smile and went on, correctly reading the look on Merlin's face, "Professor Snape had mentioned you may be nervous regarding the subject, but it's confidential information known only to me and Healer Chilton. You know, it's probably lucky you have such a strong magical core. As advanced as this curse appears to be, I think it would have already overtaken a weaker person."

Healer Bloom preferred to use euphemisms regarding death.

Silas liked her. Unlike Madam Pomfrey, she didn't mandate that Merlin be left alone to rest. "Company and laughter can be just as healing," she told Silas with a smile.

Merlin finished drinking his potions—the last of which had a lingering aftertaste of copper and something woody—and Silas handed him a glass of water.


"Shouldn't be too long now," Healer Bloom said. "We have another curse breaker coming in to take a look today. He's very good. Flying in from Egypt."

"Right," Merlin said as he handed Silas back the empty glass. He hoped she was right. His neck was starting to hurt him, even with the extra pain-relieving potions.

"And uh, you have another visitor."

"Who?" Merlin started to say until he saw a familiar face peek through the door, brown bushy hair pulled back in a haphazard bun. "Hermione!" he exclaimed at the same time as Silas. "What are you doing here? What about school?"

Healer Bloom excused herself silently and Hermione entered. She was wearing a dark red sweater with a snowman across the front. She stepped forward to stand next to Silas.

"Hello, Silas," she said with a grin. "Winter break started yesterday, Merlin."


"Nice sweater," Silas said with a grin and Hermione looked down at it for a moment and laughed.

"My mom says it's not Christmas until you wear a cheesy sweater." Merlin watched the smile fade as her eyes travelled along the glowing rune circle just visible behind his head. "They still don't know?" she asked.

"They know it's a curse."

"Yes, I read the sign before I entered the ward," Hermione said, rolling her eyes. "I mean, how to get it off you."

Merlin had gotten very good at shifting his shoulders without moving his head. "Not yet."

"Hopefully soon though," Silas offered.

Hermione nodded, then she said in a rush, "If you told me everything you knew about the curse, I could look in my books, or buy some extra ones. I'm sure there's something about—"

"Whoa, Hermione," Merlin said, starting to laugh. "They've got a curse breaker coming later today. I think they've got it covered."

"If they did they would know what to do about it," Hermione snapped.

"Well, give me a chance at least," Came an amused voice and the three of them turned around. A young man stood in the doorway, a fang earring dangling from his left ear. His clothing looked out of place, black and leather with boots of dragonhide. His long ginger hair was pulled back into a low ponytail.

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