The End of the Holidays

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For the first time, in a long time, Merlin felt well. The thick pervasive fog that had numbed his mind had lifted, and he felt a renewed clarity wash over the thoughts that used to chase themselves about his head. He didn't think he'd ever felt this way. Not even while the curse had been dormant—which might have impacted his day-to-day life without his ever knowing it. He couldn't be certain, of course, and there was a chance he was attributing too much to it.

But, the stark difference between the before and after stayed with him like renewed sight to a blind man.

Healer Chilton and Healer Bloom kept him on the regime of healing potions for another day. Now that the curse was gone, they would be able to do their job and not just ward off continued damage. They were optimistic, but realistic about a full recovery.

"It all depends on the type of damage and how severe it is," Healer Chilton had said when Merlin asked whether he'd regain all his memories. "There is a chance, of course, and it has been known for portions return spontaneously, months even years after treatment. But memory is a fickle thing and this was a very powerful curse."

That was bittersweet. Still, Merlin was relieved when they told him he could go home for the remainder of the holidays—a whole two days—as long as he continued to take the potions they sent with him. He was so anxious to get back that he didn't even protest when Florean summoned the Knight Bus.

"Sorry, they said no to Apparation," Florean had explained. "Said it'd interfere with your healing."

When he stepped through the door of Florean's Ice Cream Emporium, he hadn't been expecting anything—how could Florean and Silas through a surprise party if they were with him?—but he was met by a shower of balloons and streamers with several cheers of congratulations.

Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger were standing next to a heavily laden table covered in chocolate, pastries, cheese, ham, pies, and several other things Merlin didn't have time to examine.

"Knew it was only a matter of time," Draco drawled, taking a slice of cheese and eating it carefully.

"It was a long time," Hermione countered, but she was beaming at him. "I'm so glad they were able to break it!"

"Same here," Merlin laughed. He heard a mewling and looked down to see Khoshekh darting about his legs, batting his knee with her head. She'd doubled in size since last he'd seen her. "Look at you!" he said, bending down and picking her up. She purred and nuzzled his neck, making him laugh.

"Yeah, she's started catching pigeons!" Silas said, looking delighted. Merlin noticed that Florean didn't seem too thrilled by this, he'd heaved a huge sigh and shook his head.

"I keep finding feathers everywhere," he muttered and Merlin snorted. He squeezed the black kneazle and put her back on the ground.

"Let's eat!"

The night before Merlin had to return to Hogwarts, he and Silas stayed up late into the night

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The night before Merlin had to return to Hogwarts, he and Silas stayed up late into the night. Silas had joined him on the lower bunk, Khoshekh nestled in the crook of his knee, and in the dim yellow glow of the streetlamps of Diagon Alley, they discussed the Chamber of Secrets.

Merlin had told Silas everything he hadn't felt comfortable writing in a letter. By the time he'd finished, Silas was wide-eyed and absently petting Khoshekh, who purred. There was a moment's silence, during which Khoshekh flipped onto her back and went on purring.

"You keep just barely missing the person," Silas said after a moment. "I mean they can't be far away when they set the snake on a person. Is there anyone present at every crime scene?"

"Crime scene?"

"You know what I mean, the petrified kids."

Merlin frowned. "No—I mean, unless they're hiding in the crowd that forms afterwards. But I can't think of anyone I remember seeing every time. Well, other than myself," he added with a grimace.

"Except that one Gryffindor," Silas reminded him. "The kid you said was taking photos of you?"

"Oh yeah." He hadn't even thought about him since it happened. "I'd never even had a conversation with him."

Silas hummed, leaning back against the wall. "How would the heir have found out he was muggleborn? Cause they only go after muggleborns, right?"

Merlin paused. "Probably heard him mention it in class, or overheard him in the corridor."

"But is it that easy?"

Merlin shrugged. "It's a pretty small school Silas. I don't think it'd be that hard to find out."

"I'm just thinking out loud here." Silas sighed. "Okay, what about the snake? Any idea where it's hiding yet?"

Merlin scratched the underside of Khoshekh's chin. "Not yet. It travels all over the castle and vanishes seconds later." Merlin pinched the bridge of his nose. "At this rate, I'll need to set a trap somehow."

Silas frowned. "You'd need bait."

Merlin hesitated. He was sure Hermione would be willing to do it if—no. He didn't want to risk it. "It's too dangerous," he said. "The snake keeps threatening to kill someone."

Yeah," Silas yawned. "I don't know. Are you sure only a Slytherin can speak Parseltongue?"

"No. I don't think this was a Slytherin at all."

"Then they're probably hiding in another house." He paused. "Could the snake be hiding in the lake?"

Merlin hadn't considered that. "Maybe. I'll look into it," though he had no idea how he was supposed to search a lake of indeterminable depth. He yawned too. "Anyway, let's go to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow."

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