The Reveal and Creation of Albion

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When Merlin finally decided it was time to reveal his magic, he discovered everyone already knew.

Gaius had known from the beginning. Lancelot learned long before he became a knight of Camelot, before he died, before Morgana used him to hurt Guinevere and Arthur. Gwaine found out with Percival while on a hunting trip. They started a secret club among the other knights until they all knew and began to take bets on when Arthur would finally figure it out. Queen Guinevere had begun to suspect not long after Morgana revealed her own magic and her intent to take the throne from Arthur.

King Arthur had found out by accident when he overheard Merlin talking with Gaius.

For a week, the King had been in turmoil. He pretended there was a possibility Guinevere was pregnant, that a trade agreement with a neighbouring kingdom was giving him a headache, that'd he'd just gotten some troubling news about an old friend and he needed a moment to think. Not to his surprise, Guinevere came to him instead, because Merlin was worried.

"I think I would know if we were expecting a child, dear. What's troubling you?"

So he told her everything. Merlin—Merlin, the manservant he thought of like a younger brother, best friend, and trusted confidant had magic. He would never have believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. He still didn't believe it. All his life, he had been taught that those who practice magic were evil, but it was more than that—Merlin had lied to him. He felt betrayed and scared and confused and he didn't know what to do.

Guinevere took his hands in her own and smiled because she already knew. No, Merlin had not told her either. But she knew Merlin had saved her father's life, saved Arthur's, and saved so many more. When the two of them had first met, of course, Merlin had kept it a secret. King Uther would have cut off his head.

"My Father has been dead for years, Gwen. You'd think that after all we've been through he'd know he can trust me."

"Arthur, you do realize King Uther's ban on magic still stands, right?"

So, King Arthur struck down the law. Magic was not evil, any more than humans were capable of being already. He was not his father, and he was not like Morgana. He would not hate recklessly and blindly, allowing revenge and prejudice to consume his heart. He summoned his court to the throne room and made the announcement.

"Is this why you've been such a prat all week?"

"Merlin, thank you for volunteering to become the new ambassador for magical relations."

Merlin stared at him. Opened his mouth, closed it again, and distinctly heard Gwaine from behind him give a loud groan.

"I can't believe Leon won the bet."

"What bet?"

"Shouldn't you also make Merlin the Court Magician, sire?" asked Gaius and Merlin whirled around to gape at him.

"Can I second that, sire?" Percival added.

"What the—" Merlin tried to say. The Knights had started shaking with laughter.

"Quite right. Merlin, you're the first ever Court Magician—or would you prefer Warlock?"


"You're also much better at words, can you draft an official proclamation to the Kingdom, Merlin?"

"Just hold on, one moment—"

"I will let the kitchens know to prepare a feast this evening, it's only right that we celebrate," Guinevere said thoughtfully and there were several cheers of approval at this.

Merlin was left, standing, dumbstruck as the meeting fell apart around him. He felt Gaius stride forward to stand next to him and asked in a somewhat choked voice, "What—what just happened."

Gaius raised his eyebrow. "I think that's pretty obvious, Merlin." He put his hand on Merlin's shoulder, smiled, and then exited the throne room. In fact, within mere seconds, the room vacated leaving just Merlin standing before an unconcerned Arthur.

"You know," Merlin said staring at him.

"Everyone knows, Merlin."

"Everyone," Merlin repeated.

"I'll never understand how someone as smart as you can also be a blundering idiot. You were taking so long to get around to it, Guinevere thought you needed a little push."


"All right, I decided you needed a little bit of a push. Won't it be nice not to polish armour anymore?"


"And I get it, I know why you wouldn't just come out and say it. I mean, we've only been through life and death together, but considering magic killed my mother and my father actively tried to slaughter you and yours I'm willing to forgive you if you promise to trust me from here on out."

Merlin thought he might cry. "Mage." He cleared his throat. "Court Mage."

That night at the feast, he told them the tales of his deeds. He took credit for his accomplishments. It was a relief and wonderfully amusing to see their reactions when they learned the truth. Arthur couldn't get over the fact that he didn't kill the dragon, Merlin had instead shouted at it to go away. They were friends now.

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