Natsu - Me? A Father?

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First I want to say thank you for all of the views and votes so far. It's not very much but it's a lot to me, and honestly I never thought that people would like what I post so it really comes as a surprise to see that so many people enjoy my stories. So thank you. Especially since this story only had two chapters released when I took this screenshot, it really means a lot.

 Especially since this story only had two chapters released when I took this screenshot, it really means a lot

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~*~ On To The Story! ~*~

'What do you have then?'

'I... I'm p-pregnant.'


'You're... pregnant... I'm gonna be a father... Holly cow I'm gonna be a father!'

I was walking down the hallway behind Zerif because he said he needed to talk to me when Lucy finally got back to me. When I heard her news I stopped, well more like froze in place. I could tell that I had shock written all over my face when Zerif turned around and looked at me weird.

"What's wrong, Natsu?" He asked me. Then a goofy grin spread over my face. As I realized what Lucy had said through the mind link and the words slowly sank in, I realized what this might entail for our hidden relationship. We don't even know what the child will look like, with me being the "King of Demons" and Lucy being a Goddess and all. My goofy grin quickly changed to a frown.

'N-Natsu? What's wrong? D-do you n-not want the baby?' I heard Lucy say.

'No! No, Lucy! Mavis no! Of course I want the child! I'm just worried for its future and what it will look like and I'm really just worried about what it may entail for our futures and the futures of the kingdoms and our child.'

'Entail? I didn't know you knew such a big word, Natsu.' Lucy said with a chuckle.

'I know big words!'

'Prove it, give me three big words you know and one of them can't be entail.'

'Fine! Um... uhh...'

She busted up laughing and only stopped long enough to burst out a "Told you!"
I know big words, it's just that I want to make her laugh and playing dumb makes her laugh, so that makes me happy.

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