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Thank you AnOddEgg for helping me come up with my villain

Luke and Nashi are a week old, and since neither demon or angel get their wings until their thirteenth birthday, we will have no idea if they are of either tribe, or of both. Luce and I decided that we are going to tell our people about our bond and the children. Today is the day we have set up. I told my people a few days ago to make sure they are in the main city of angel territory so they can hear the announcements that are going to be made. I set up travel for those who couldn't really make it otherwise so everyone should have arrived yesterday and have had time to look around. I looked over the large balcony that overlooked the main courtyard, that is quite large by the way, and noticed that it was filling up with people.

"Why are you thinking so hard? Come over here and sit next to me for a minute," Lucy asked in that voice that said 'you are doing what I ask, it's not really a question.'

How do you want to do this? What do we even say? Luce asked through the bond.

I guess we tell them that we have an announcement and we can start with the marriage law and then gravitate to our lives and the children. It's really your call, it is your city after all. I said in response. Lucy stood up and made her way to the balcony.

"Hello everybody! I know it's been a long time since I've seen you all last and I'm going to share with you what has been going on and what we have decided. As many of you know, there is the pending of marriages between angels and demons. We have decided that this will now be legal in all areas demon and angel. Anyone not giving out marriage licenses to those specific pairs will be punished accordingly.

"As for the reason I have been absent from public appearances, I was pregnant." That was my cue to bring out the children, who are still just babies. I handed her Luke and I held Nashi in my arms.

"I didn't want to put them in harms way and we were dealing with uncharted territory. Everything that has happened in these past months has been because of Natsu and I. We were friends when we were about sixteen. One day our families found out and forbade us from ever seeing each other again.

"Right before the death of Zerif, I had gone and spoken with him. On my way back home, I ended up stopping where I met Natsu the first time and he happened to be there."

I butted in, "When I first saw her there I thought I was dreaming. I had been going back there every day, hoping to catch one last glimpse of her before I had to stop going again. The day I was going to give up, I saw her. It turned out to be that we are soul mates."

"I found out I was pregnant a few weeks after that fateful day in the clearing," Lucy continued, "Zerif had decided that he was going to try and raid our towns and cities three days after I found out the news. With our new powers, Natsu was able to completely overpower his brother and claim the crown. We had to make a peace treaty so we could stay together. About a week ago, these two came into the world. The eldest by ten minutes is Princess Nashi, who is in Natsu's arms, and the youngest is Prince Lukas, who I am holding. I hope that everyone has happy lives and we can all hopefully live in peace together." Lucy finished. There were a lot of cheers from the crowd below us and Lucy and I walked back to Erza and Gray, who were standing guard at the doors. Lucy let out a sigh of relief once we were back inside and leaned her head against my shoulder, Nashi and Luke babbling to each other in our arms. I kissed the top of Lucy's head and just held her there for a minute.

We were both relieved. We wanted the people to accept our children, our relationship, and the new laws, so we were both extremely nervous that nobody would accept everything and relieved when we got positive feedback.

When we got back to our rooms, Lucy put Nashi and Luke down for a nap. As she was tucking Lukas in, I walked up and hugged her from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder. She sighed and leaned back into my embrace. I smiled. This was perfect, I had the life I wanted with the person I wanted to spend it with the most. Our children were gorgeous little balls of cuteness. They were a lot of work to take care of, but we did our best.


Four years have past since the new laws were put into place and today was the twins' birthday party. We originally wanted to do it on their birthday but they wanted that day to be a family day so we pushed the party back. Nashi was in an adorable pink gown and Lukas was in a cute little tuxedo.

I smiled at the two as they made friends with the other children at the party. Lucy and I mingled with the other parents and thanked them for coming. We eventually gravitated to our group of friends. Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Levy, Wendy, Romeo, Mira, Laxus, Erza, and Jellal. Gray and Juvia were married and had a three year old son, Gajeel and Levy were married and had a daughter the same age as the twins and a two year old son, Wendy and Romeo have been dating for the past two years, Mira and Laxus were already married and had a kid when I met them, he's about seven years old now I think, They also had another son that is the same age as the twins and another on the way, Erza and Jellal have been married for only a year but were expecting a child soon so Erza decided to come to the birthday party as a preparation, in a way, for their own kid or kids.

Suddenly I heard a noise that was unusual, even for all of the staff we had in the castle. I immediately felt an odd uneasiness settle in the pit of my stomach, I had the feeling of being hunted and it put me on edge.

I started looking around immediately but I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. That is, until I saw a wisp of black hair pass between the previously closed doors that were now slowly swinging shut. Lucy felt my uneasiness and told me to go on ahead, she'll keep everyone safe. I wasn't happy with that arrangement so I had Gajeel and Gray stay and protect children, I sent Romeo to inform the guards of an intruder, and took Laxus and Jellal with me to hunt down this mystery person.

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