3rd Person - Vengence

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When the alarm sounded, everyone got scared. Strange dark clouds of smoke started flowing in from underneath the doors and consumed whatever and whoever it could touch. Lucy stood with the helpless children and parents who didn't use magic and tried her best to shield them from the smoke.

Natsu ran to the doors and saw a lone person standing there, emitting smoke from his front half. Natsu, being curious, walked up to the smoke and set it on fire. It burned up right away and the mystery man was scared and stopped making the smoke flow from his body so he wouldn't catch on fire himself. It was like Angelica described them, no wings but plenty of magic.

All of this was seen through a round lacrima in a dark room. One lone woman stood in front of the lacrima and cursed under her breath as she watched all of her "children" get killed. They were the ones who didn't agree with the new laws and wanted the two realms to be divided once again. They practiced old, powerful, evil spells and magics and cut their wings as a sign of loyalty. They were from both sides but nobody knew or cared about that. They just cared that things went back to how they were before.

She was so close to killing the queen and her children. That's all that mattered to her, to kill the person that stole her throne and any heirs she may have. She already killed the, in her words, "thieving b*tch" and now all she had left was her daughter and grandchildren.

She thought she had it all figured out when she told King Heartfillia that the demons were the ones that killed his wife and were also after the princess, killing two birds with one stone. She knew that the little princess's mate was in fact the prince of the demon realm so when they were torn apart she thought they would never find out and die without heirs. She was sorely mistaken, only having delayed the inevitable.

The seemingly young woman had ebony hair and pale, almost white, skin. Scars that adorned her body were from the multitude of fights she had encountered. Her teeth, broken and rotting, created an eerie, broken smile that sent shivers down anyone's spine. Her blue, bloodshot eyes no longer held any warmth or mirth she once had as a child, now only harboring hatred and years of suffering, making her eyes cold.

She pushed her power outward and forced the rest of her "children" to steer clear of the castle until further notice, pulling her fighters away from the fights they were once having. She was frustrated that she couldn't attack the castle even when it was practically defenseless.

She had it in her head that she had to stop the prophecy centuries before it could even begin by killing the main family behind it. If she killed them now, then they could never fulfill the prophecy. The child will never be born to take its place of an almighty, powerful ruler that can wake her from the stars.

"Ebony, we have to leave now. The troops are scouting the land for anyone without wings." A young man with the same features as the woman said into the dimly lit room.

"I'm on my way, make sure everyone evacuated to the tunnels!" Ebony yelled as she wrapped the lacrima in a brown cloth and shoved it into a makeshift bag.

She swore vengeance on the royal family as she escaped through the tunnels underneath the castle.

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