Natsu - True Inheritance

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I was pacing back and forth in my room, my mind a jumbled mess. The news of Luce being pregnant was amazing but there were also the fears that came with it. In fact we are two different species, demons and angels, what would our child even look like? Would they be accepted in our world? I could feel that Luce was also worried about these things but I was also worried for a different reason.

"Natsu, I'm planning on invading the Celestial Kingdom in four days time. Be prepared, you are going to join me." Zerif had said to me soon after I learned the news from Luce.

Since Lucy had been listening in on the conversation, she was already informed of the upcoming attack and was getting her army ready. Not wanting to leave her outer villages unprotected, she sent troops of extra guards to each village. And tried to protect as many as possible.

That was three days ago. The day of attack is only a few hours away and I was becoming stressed beyond belief. I didn't know what I was going to do. Help Lucy once I was beyond the border or stay with Zerif until we reach the castle. I finally settled on getting past the border and trying to hold them back as much as possible alone. They are strong but no one is stronger then me besides my brother and I'm even catching up to him, mostly thanks to the new power I got with finding my soulmate. Someone startled me from my thoughts when they pounded on my door aggressively. Only one person does that, and that's Zerif himself.

"Come in!" I yelled. Zerif opened the door quickly and charged after me, hitting me with almost all his magical power. I didn't even move, the mate bond made me a lot stronger than I thought it did.

"I knew it! You are mated, and to someone strong at that... Who is this mysterious person?" Zerif suddenly asked in a hurried jumble of words that I could barely make into an eligible sentence.

"She's nobody to be concerned about right now. I just want this mission to be over with so I can go back to her safe and sound."

"Alright then. Let's get going! I want to meet this mate of yours."

And with that we set off in the "mission" to destroy my mate's homeland. Once we passed the boarder I felt different somehow, like a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I felt... free. For the first time my whole life I actually feel free. In a way I also feel stronger, like I've got Luce right there next to me, helping me defeat those I once called comrades. I stopped and everyone else did as well. They must have sensed the change in me because they were shaking of fear, all twelve guards.

"So, it finally broke."

"What finally broke?" I asked, confused by what my brother had said.

"The spell that Mother casted on you was to contain your magic until you need it the most and it's under the right circumstances. If Mother never put that spell on you, you would easily be the ruler of our side of the world by now."

I was shocked by this new information. Although I knew it was true I still couldn't believe that I have been the true ruler of the demons this whole time.

"If you don't believe me, come on and fight me. I don't care if I die, I want to join my mate in the afterlife but I promised her that I wouldn't do it by my own hand. Please, Natsu, let me join Mavis."

"Alright." Is all I said and my body was set on fire. The twelve guards around us backed away, shocked by the power that I had. Zerif and I fought for twenty minutes before he was on the ground, begging me to end him. I gave him a swift death, he didn't deserve to suffer. He was just lost without his mate. With that, I sent the guards back to the boarder and told them to stay on our territory until I return and give new orders. After they left I spread out my wings and flew to the castle where my mate lies in her bed. Once I got to the castle gates I landed and walked up to the guards. I raised my hands and approached them cautiously.

"I need to speak to Lucy. Please let me through." I spoke to them.

"Who are you to Goddess Lucy?" Guard 1 asked.

"He's someone very special to me, now let him through." Lucy said from the other side of the large gate.

"But Goddess Lucy, he's a demon!"

"I'm very aware that he's a demon. I need to speak to him and it appears that he also needs to speak to me."

"Alright Goddess Lucy." Guard 2 responded to Luce. They opened the large golden gates and I followed close behind Lucy. We finally stopped in a grand room that looked like a meeting place. At the large table that looked to go from wall to wall was a scary red headed lady, a small blue-haired young girl, a petite blue haired woman with a rounded belly, I assume she's pregnant, a man with dark black long hair, Gajeel. I knew him instantly. We was once a spy for us but he was forced into the role from childhood and never wanted to live that life. I guess he found his mate. The other male in the room was one I haven't seen in a long time as well, Gray.

"Hey, Gray and Gajeel. Long time no see, how's it been?" I asked the seemingly shocked room. Everyone was staring at me. I kinda know why, I am the only demon in the room.

"What are you doing here Natsu?" Gray asked me.

"Well, multiple reasons but the main one is to share some good news."

"Alright now I'm confused. Goddess Lucy, why is this demon at your side, how does he know some of our top rank officials, and what is he talking about?" The scary lady asked my mate.

"Well, Erza, Gray and Gajeel have known him since childhood and I really can't tell you any more."

"Anyways," I butted in, cutting off my mate, "the good news is that this war is over between us. And before you ask any questions, Zerif is dead. I killed him myself, and being his younger brother, I am now the new Demon King."

"What?!" Gray and Gajeel yelled in unison.

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