Lucy - Is It Time?

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I woke up in the warm embrace I was getting so used to. I didn't want to wake up but the child inside me decided otherwise as it kicked my bladder. It's been five months since Zerif died and I'm about seven months pregnant. Natsu periodically left to check up on his realm and is slowly getting the demons used to the idea of traveling into my realm. We have told the people of both realms that there has been a truce, for the old Demon King has fallen and we would like no more bloodshed. We told our people that it was alright to travel to the different sectors and visit the other realm as long as neither side breaks any laws. If an angel broke a demon law while in the demon realm, they were to be sent back home and punished appropriately. If a demon were to do the same in the angel realm, they would also be sent to their home land to be tried and punished.

It was a slow process, getting used to the conjoining worlds. I felt it had to be done slowly, so they wouldn't be so shocked when our child was born. I haven't talked to my people directly in so long, I almost felt lonely. I wanted to see my people, I wanted to talk to them directly but I could barely make it from my bed to the bathroom at this stage in my pregnancy. We are walking in uncharted territory so we are unsure when the child will be born, we usually have fast paced pregnancy's, usually ending at about eight months, but Wendy is afraid that the baby will come early because of it being half angel and half demon.

I slowly climbed back into bed and fell asleep. It didn't feel like I slept for very long when a sharp pain pierced through my body.

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