BTS asking you out

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Jin – Jin would make you a meal and invite you to a "friend date" or so you thought. While there he would say, "Y/N we've been friends for a long time and I you" He would probably let out a huge breath after that considering he was holding it while he was asking. He would have two different reactions depending on what you say. If you say, "Like friends?" He'll chicken out and say yeah but if you say, "I like you too," he'll smile and go back to eating because he won't know what to say.

Yoongi – Yoongi would probably take you out to a bar and would talk. You guys would stand outside the bar to have more privacy and less noise, so you could talk. It would go from what drink you like to what you're doing for the rest of your life. After a couple of drinks, he would say something like you're so beautiful or talented and lean in to kiss you. With Yoongi it would be such a deep kiss you would both drop your drinks and would just focus on the kiss. Afterwards, he would ask you to be his girlfriend.

Hoseok – This sunshine would ask in the most excited way. He would run into the room and bring you flowers with a card that says, 'I love you' and he would ask you to be his girlfriend. He would tell you you're beautiful and he would be the happiest man in the world if you said yes. You would be a bit scared for a second because he said it in such a way you thought he was proposing.

Namjoon - Namjoon would write a song and then invite to his studio for you to review it. He would probably too shy to say anything himself but would express all his feelings in a song. At the end of the song he would probably look at you and wait to hear an answer. When you said yes, he would blush and kiss you.

Jimin – He would ask you to come to the dance studio to watch him practice and tell him what he's doing wrong. Even though that's not what you're going to do. When you got there, there would be rose petals all over the floor and candles surrounding the room. In the middle of the floor there would be a heart made out of the rose petals. He would be standing in the heart in a tux. He would call you to stand in the heart with him. When you were standing with him, he would tell you that he's loved you since he first met you and he wants you to be his girlfriend.

Taehyung – This adorable fluff would buy a custom dog sweater (probably from Gucci 😂) that said, 'Will you date my crazy owner?' He would put it on Yeontan and throw his toy over to you so Yeontan would run to you and you would see his sweater. If you had a dog he would bring your dog to you with a rose on it's back (one without thorns so it doesn't hurt the dog) and give it to you.

Jungkook – A little bunny like Jungkook would go sooo extra. He would call you up to the roof of BigHit and there would be a table there and the entire roof would be decorated to the point it could be considered a restaurant. There would even be a waiter and chef. Once you both ordered he would start singing Euphoria and end it by saying, "Will you be my Euphoria?"

A/N Sorry this one is a bit long the others will probably be shorter. I didn't include what they would do if you said no because who would say no to them? 

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