When you're sick

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Jin -

Jin would go all out with food, medicine, blankets, etc. Since he's the eomma of the group he would definitely take care of you like one. But I also feel like he would be very careful not to get sick from you.

"Yeobo, you're sick let me take care of you"

"Ahh wait here's a tissue, don't cough in the open like that"

Yoongi -

Yoongi would make sure you just sleep and get rest to get better. Half of it would be because he wants to sleep too though. He would probably order food, from the restaurant of Jin. He would probably scold you for not taking better care of yourself, but not too much because he knows it's hard being sick.

"Jagiya, the best thing for you is sleep"

Hoseok -

J-Hope is always with you so he'd probably already be sick with you but if he wasn't he would go on the internet trying to find how to take care of you but end up accidentally diagnosing you with the plague.

"NO! I can't believe you're dying!"

Y/N: "Um Hobi it's just the flu"

"Nuh uh, it says so on google"

Namjoon -

Would try to help but probably make it worse. Like, he would bring you medicine but end up spilling it for you to clean up. He would try to make a pillow fort to cheer you up but rip the pillows. Honestly, just a mess.

"Jagiya, I...whoops"

Jimin -

Jimin would try to take care of you but he's really getting advice straight from Jin. Have you ever seen those movies where someones got an earpiece and someone else is telling them what to say? Yeah, he's doing that. But in reality, he's just nervous and wants you to get better ASAP because he hates seeing you sick.

"Um...uhhh..*whispers* Jin what do I say next?"

Taehyung -

Tae would just try to make you laugh since according to him, "Laughter cures everything" Like Jimin he hates seeing you sick and tries anything to make you feel better. He would probably even make a pillow fort, but he wouldn't mess it up like Joon.

"Aww jagiya don't be sad. Look at me *makes derp face* aren't I funny?"

Jungkook -

Jungkook would do everything. Like literally EVERYTHING. He would give you medicine, cook, even clean. He wanted to show you he was perfect boyfriend material and what better way than to take care of you. In fact, he probably got you sick just so he could take care of you.

"WAIT don't move, whatever you need, I'll get it for you"

Y/N: "I have to pee"

"Oh ok"

A/N  I'm back from the dead! I can't believe I haven't updated for so long. I really hope you guys forgive me and it may be a while before I update again but I'll try to update at night.

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