When you tell him you're a hybrid

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Cute pic to compensate for being late ^

Note: This is written as hybrids are semi-normal in society but they aren't all that common

Requested by: FunDianaCats This is my first time writing about hybrids so I hope this is right and if you want I can make some edits or a different version if it's not what you requested. Don't be afraid to tell me if I did something wrong 😊

Seokjin - (Red fox)

You had been dating Seokjin for a month now and you knew that you had to tell him that you were a hybrid, but, it scared you

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You had been dating Seokjin for a month now and you knew that you had to tell him that you were a hybrid, but, it scared you. You told him that you had to show him something and since you were very nervous, he was a bit wary of what was about to come. As your red fur fluttered through your skin he had confusion written all over his face. Once you were done transitioning, he had a mixed look of shock and...adoration? He immediately fell on his knees and scratched behind your ears. You were relieved that he wasn't disgusted or freaked out by your revelation. After he was done fawning over your tail, you two had a very long discussion on how you behaved while you were in fox form as well as how he can take care of you when you shift. He was very caring and understanding of pretty much everything.

"Oh my god you are so adorable. I can't believe I get to pet a fox!"

Yoongi - (Black panther)

You didn't have many doubts when it came to Yoongi, he was straightforward and he had a pretty accepting attitude

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You didn't have many doubts when it came to Yoongi, he was straightforward and he had a pretty accepting attitude. You were, however, unsure if he would be scared of you in hybrid form. You asked for Yoongi to come outside with you because you had to tell him something. Of course, it took you about an hour to convince Yoongi to go outside and even then, you had to promise him to let him sleep for a while afterwards. You went outside with him and stood a good distance away in case he got spooked when you shifted. He was, at first, very shocked because you had never told him or hinted at you being a hybrid. Once you shifted back, he was a little unimpressed. "Can we go back inside now?" He was very nonchalant about the whole thing but if you looked closely, you could see his small smile whenever he would scratch behind your ears.

"As long as you don't eat Holly, we're good"

Hoseok - (Golden Retriever)

Hoseok - (Golden Retriever)

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