You Flinch During an Argument (Hyung Line)

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Jin -

You and Jin were arguing about him coming home drunk and things got heated

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You and Jin were arguing about him coming home drunk and things got heated. He was drunk so he didn't know what he was doing. He put his hands on your shoulders to make it easier for you and him to look at each other in the eye. You thought he was going to push or shake you so you flinched. He was still holding on to you when you met his eyes again. He was staring blankly and he slowly removed his hands from your shoulder. He walked wordlessly into the bedroom to grab a pillow and blanket. You tried to talk but he said nothing. He set up a bed on the couch and asked you to turn out the light on the way to the bedroom.

Yoongi -

Yoongi doesn't yell, honestly that made you even angrier

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Yoongi doesn't yell, honestly that made you even angrier. He refused to raise his voice and firmly believed you two should talk calmly about the situation. Although, sometimes you wanted to vent out your anger by yelling and every time Yoongi would calm you down, you secretly wished you could have a back and forth with him for a bit. One day, you got your wish. He was frustrated with their comeback and you just kept arguing. "You know, Y/N. You are really starting to piss me off!" He started to walk away when you pulled his arm. He pulled it away and it ended up coming close to your face. You flinched away and Yoongi scoffed. "You always want me to argue back and when I do, you flinch away. We can talk in the morning. Calmly"

Hoseok -

Hoseok was spending all day and all night in the dance studio

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Hoseok was spending all day and all night in the dance studio. You weren't normally a clingy person but you missed him. It didn't help that he was too busy to answer your calls or text you back. You were starting to get worried. When he finally came back home, you were so frustrated you started yelling at him. Hoseok was tired and fed up so of course he yelled back. You two were screaming at each other when he threw his hands up in frustration. In the heat of the moment you thought he was going to hurt you. You flinched away and he immediately apologized. He told you how why he was gone so much and he spent the evening taking care of you to make up for everything.

Namjoon -

Namjoon was sick with the flu yet he still was determined to work

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Namjoon was sick with the flu yet he still was determined to work. You were tired of him overworking himself and you were overall worried about him. You had cooked him a meal yesterday and brought it to him. Yet when you came back today, it was untouched. You started scolding him for not eating and overworking. He let this go on for a while until he had enough and suddenly turned his chair around and stood up close to you. You flinched from the sudden movement and he stood there for a minute while you opened your eyes and looked at him. He was shocked and spoke in a shaky voice when he assured you that even when he's stressed, he would never hit you. He took the rest of the day off and you two went on a much needed date.

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