One-sided (Taehyung imagine)

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You had been friends with BTS for 6 years and you always thought of them as just that...friends. This year, BTS finally had some time off for Christmas and you were finally going to spend a holiday with them instead of watching a Bangtan bomb or Vlive. Except when you were having lunch with them on one of their breaks, Taehyung announced to everyone that he was going to Geochang to spend Christmas with his family. No one else was going to because the only got Christmas eve night and Christmas day off. But Taehyung said he was going to take some more time off and he already approved it with Bang PD. You were sad, of course, that the one time you get to spend a holiday with seven of your best friends, you're only spending it with six. But you understood that Tae wanted to be close to his family for the holidays, plus he always talked about how he missed them so you didn't want to stand in the way of him and his loved ones. The rest of the boys invited you to stay over at the dorm on Christmas eve so all of you could wake up together. Well, all of you except Taehyung. Jin volunteered to sleep on the couch so that you could have his bed, like the gentleman he is. But none of you trusted him around the presents in the living room, so you did the obvious thing and slept in Tae's bed since he was gone. The boy's changed the sheets so it wasn't weird and because they don't know what he does in the comfort of his own room. Something about being Tae's room alone made you feel...giddy? You felt a bit nervous because you were in your best friend's room and he didn't know. But he was your best friend and you had been in his room before so why were you so...awkward? Was it because you were sleeping in his bed? Was it because you sort of wished he was there too so you could have someone to keep you warm? No matter what, you hated the feeling. So you pushed it to the back of your mind and laid down hoping none of the boy's,*cough Jungkook*, tried to sneak out or open the presents and then try to crappily wrap the presents back up. Because according to Namjoon, that had happened before.

Christmas Morning...

You woke up to J-hope screaming in your ear for no goddamn reason at all.

"What the- why would you do that?"

"We didn't know how heavy of a sleeper you are, be glad I'm waking you up, Jin wanted to pinch your nipples to wake you."

You were now very thankful for the screaming. Anyways, Hoseok tugged you out of bed and downstairs where everyone else was sitting. Yoongi looked very pissed though.

"Don't worry about him, he's just waiting on his coffee."

After Namjoon's reassurance, you suddenly had a craving for coffee. But you knew you would be dead if you tried to get coffee before Yoongi, so you sat down instead. Christmas went overall well, except for the fact that Jimin thought it was a good idea to give an airhorn to Jungkook so now you were all deaf. You all finished opening gifts and went to eat breakfast because, well, you were starving. And after the airhorn incident, you were sure you needed some food if you wanted to survive the rest of the day around six idiots. That's when you remembered Taehyung. You started to miss him again but you quickly forgot about him when Jin said he made donuts. Most of you were done your breakfast except for Jimin who was slow as fuck when it came to eating. And that's when Jungkook's phone rang and he excitedly shouted that it was Tae on FaceTime. You all gathered around Jungkook, even Jimin with a mouthful of donut, waiting to see Taehyung. When the call connected, you all shouted hello which prompted Taehyung to complain about how he had his volume all the way up and y'all shattered his eardrums. Everyone except Jungkook, including you, rolled your eyes as he didn't experience the airhorn debacle of 2020. You all talked for a while until Tae had to go because his cousins wanted him to play with them again. So you all said goodbye and you felt your mood drop way low after the call ended. You wish he was here. Christmas was a very fun time except for the fact that it was missing one person. You stayed Christmas night at the dorm as well so you could spend the most time with the boys before their break was over.

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