When you break their things

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Jin -

(Something from his Mario collection)

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(Something from his Mario collection)

"Aishh, if I wanted to date someone who would break my things I would date Namjoon!"

"Ahh I guess it's ok, don't cry, just buy me a new one"

Mad at first but doesn't want to yell at you too much so instead you two go shopping for more.

Yoongi -

(One of the speakers)

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(One of the speakers)

"Seriously, do you know how much those cost?"

"Just for that, you lose studio privileges for a month"

He's probably more aggravated than mad, since it wasn't something that actually had important info on it and he can easily afford a new one. He would probably forget about it pretty easily.

Hoseok -

(His flower costume, lol idek)

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(His flower costume, lol idek)


He overreacts because he thinks he's being funny but when he realizes you think he's serious he stops and tells you it's fine as long as you don't break yourself because your his prized possession.

Namjoon -

(His sunglasses)

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(His sunglasses)

"How could you break them?!"

"I guess I'll forgive you"

Hides the fact that he already broke them so he doesn't look like the god of destruction for once.

Jimin -


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Jimin didn't see you as a clumsy type of person and was very confused on how you broke something since you were perfect in his eyes

Taehyung -

(Tae's dog - Yeontan)

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(Tae's dog - Yeontan)

"He's so calm....you....you.....BROKE HIM!"

Yeontan tended to get really calm around you because he liked to just lay on your lap since he knew you were a nice person because you made his owner happy. However, since Tae always sees Yeontan being hyper, he thinks you "broke him"

Jungkook -

(His gaming computer)

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(His gaming computer)

"*in his head* I can't hurt my girlfriend.....but I really want to.......no I can't"

Jungkook would be pretty mad but he would mostly pout and make you apologize by doing whatever he asked for the next month.

A/N Sorry if I made J-hope and Jimin's too cheesy and I'm also sorry I won't be updating much since the holidays. But I'll try. Fighting!


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