When you kiss them

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Seokjin -

Jin would become over-confident whenever you kiss him but he wasn't too smug about it either

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Jin would become over-confident whenever you kiss him but he wasn't too smug about it either.

"Aw it's ok, I know you can't resist to kiss the most handsome man in the world"

"Please nod yes"

Yoongi -

Yoongi would try his best to not react if it was in public so he wouldn't be called soft but if it was in private he would get shy and kiss you back

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Yoongi would try his best to not react if it was in public so he wouldn't be called soft but if it was in private he would get shy and kiss you back.

Hoseok -

It's Hoseok

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It's Hoseok. He would smile and run around the room in excitement. Don't worry, after about a minute he came back to return the kiss.

Namjoon -

Namjoon -

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Shy. Innocent. Baby. Don't know who wrote expensive girl 'cause shy Joonie ain't him. He wouldn't blush as much as Jimin but he would be very awkward and probably end up tripping while walking away.

Jimin -

Jimin would blush so much that you had to give him an ice pack to cool his face down

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Jimin would blush so much that you had to give him an ice pack to cool his face down.

Taehyung -

Tae would be so excited, he would attack you with kisses until you threatened him with no more kisses so he would stop

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Tae would be so excited, he would attack you with kisses until you threatened him with no more kisses so he would stop.

Jungkook -

This shy little bunny wouldn't know what to do

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This shy little bunny wouldn't know what to do. He would be very Jungshook.

A/N I couldn't find good gifs for some so I hope the pictures work. Oh and for Jin, I got the picture from a youtube channel video so their name is in the corner of the picture.

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