How they talk about you to the guys

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Worldwide Handsome –

"She's almost as perfect as me" *You walk in* "Yeah she's even more perfect than me"

Jungkook – "But didn't you say..."

RM – "Shut up Jungkook"

Min-Min –

"Umm I don't feel like talking about it"

Jin – "Come on, we're all friends"

"Ok well, I love her"

It's not that he didn't want to talk about you it's just he didn't know how to express just how much he loved you.

Sunshine –

"She's the best thing in the world! Like last night she..."

RM – "Hoseok we need to record the song can you stop talking about Y/N for one second!"

God of Destruction –

"Now listen you need to respect her and be nice to her...but not too nice! She's still mine"

Jimin – "We've got it hyung! She's not coming for another week calm down"

Mochi –

"She's so adorable and she's a great dancer and I love how she's so small!"

Jungkook – "Aww you guys are so cute" In his head – "Now I can make fun of her height too, mwahaha"

Jimin – "Jungkook what are you thinking about?"

Jungkook – "Nothing!"

Tae-Tae –

"She's funny like me, talented like me, and she doesn't mind the faces I make!"

Suga – "Great another Taehyung that's just what we needed"

International Playboy –

"She's so cute when she loses, oh you know last night I was playing Overwatch and I was on the longest kill streak and the top in the server!"

Jimin – "So she died, and you thought she was cute because she lost?"

Jungkook – "No she wasn't playing, but I was beating everybody!"

A/N I'm trying to update a lot because I'm going on a trip this weekend. Wish me fun! :)

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