Award Show

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When you're up against them for an award

Jin -

Jin was supportive, to say the least. He brought your lightstick to the award show, (Or a banner if you're a non-Kpop idol), and played hide and seek with security most of the night since lightsticks/banners weren't allowed. Not to mention he screamed your name very, very loudly when you came up on screen as one of the nominees. He would feel terrible if you lost and would cook you so much food to make up for it, even though it wasn't his fault.

Yoongi -

Yoongi was supportive, I mean he already had about a million awards, but he was less expressive about it. If you won, he smile and clap with everyone else, and set up a private table at an expensive restaurant to celebrate. If he won, he would accept the award like any other one but would make sure to mention you in his award speech.

Hoseok -

He brags. To everyone. And he's not sorry. Except for when he interrupts your performance at the event to yell "GOOO Y/N!" He's bouncing in his seat while they're announcing the winner. Fans think it's because he's anxious if BTS will win, but it's actually because he's so nervous if you'll win or not. If they announce BTS instead of you or your group, then he will be devastated and pretty much everyone is confused. He would definitely be more bummed than you if you lost.

Namjoon -

Probably the most professional. He acted like it was any other award show, clapped like normal if you won, and accepted the award normally if he won. But behind the scenes, it was very different. If you lost, he would be so worried that you were upset that he would buy anything and everything for you. If you won he would be so happy and would still buy you anything and everything.

Jimin -

A mix of Jin and Namjoon. He would try to be professional but would fail miserably. Blushing whenever you came on screen and trying so hard to be around you the entire night. If you won, he'd be beet red and proud. If he won, he'd pretend it didn't happen afterwards to save your feelings even if you weren't hurt.

Taehyung -

People would forget he's a member of BTS because he's always sitting by you instead of his group. The staff would have to drag him away on multiple occasions. Overall, he's just so happy that you two get to share this night together that his heart might burst. If you lose, he would joke around and try to make you laugh (which he would 'cause he's friggin adorable). If you won, he would do the same thing because he wants you to remember the night as fun and an unofficial date rather than a boring event that makes you nervous.

Jungkook -

Cocky. Constantly telling other idols things like "That's my girlfriend you know" He's proud but he shows it by saying that he's your inspiration and if he wasn't such a gReaT bOyFriEnd then you'd have lost. He would also be seriously hurt if you didn't put him in your acceptance speech. If you actually lost though, he would feel terrible and skip celebrating to hang out with you.


Sorry there's no gifs, I couldn't find ones that I really liked :(

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