Author's Note

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Hello everybody! I know probably no one is reading this but I wanted to make an apology and an explanation for everything that is going on and is probably about to go on. I don't like posting author's notes but I don't like people to be confused either so...  I know my updating schedule is terrible and I really want to work on it but I'm inconsistent and have a bad habit of being kinda lazy so I'm going to try to work on that as best as I can but once a month updates may be going on for a while. 


I've remembered that when I started this book that I had so many ideas but now it seems that my inspiration has died down so unless people suggest things, I may be switching to shorter chapters. Things like most to least likely, social media posts, texts, and things like that. Just to remind you, you can really suggest anything on this book and I'll write it (or my best attempt at it). Oneshots, mtl's, reactions, I'll try my best to be as versatile as possible.


Thank you guys so much for 2k, 2.5k, and now almost 3k!!! I never thought this would happen (especially with my writing skills) and the bad part is that I have been so on and off that I don't even think I thanked you guys for 1k or 500. So, thank you to anyone who reads this book 💜


Sorry for the unexpected oneshot of Taehyung, I got inspiration for a part of it suddenly after reading the preference by Tawnyaa of "Drunken confession" (super great, go check her out btw) and the rest began to come to me. I wrote it super late at night so I'm also sorry if it wasn't great.


Lastly, I deleted the introduction chapter because I found it kinda cringey and I may go back and edit my past chapters if I see that they're a bit cringe too.


So, that is it and thank you for taking the time to read this. I purple you and be sure to check out CHUNG HA's new song because it's my new favorite. 💜

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