You Flinch During an Argument (Maknae Line)

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Jimin -

Jimin could lose his temper pretty easily

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Jimin could lose his temper pretty easily. You two were arguing because he wasn't eating and you could notice he was losing weight, too much weight. After you made him dinner and he didn't eat one again, you snapped. You got up and yelled at him for being so self-conscious when he was already thin enough. He yelled back that he was just trying to look good for you. You two had a big fight that went on for a while until he got so angry he slammed his fists onto the table and you flinched away. He came to his senses and decided a take a walk to calm down. 

Taehyung -

Tae wasn't someone to get angry easily, he didn't like arguing with you

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Tae wasn't someone to get angry easily, he didn't like arguing with you. But when Jungkook said he saw you with another guy, he was mad. Like really really mad. He came home and confronted you. He was screaming at you and before you could get a word in, he pushed you. It wasn't very hard but you fell backwards out of shock. His eyes widen and he tried to help you up but you scooted away. "Don't, and that was my friend, ONLY A FRIEND!" you said as you stood up. He stood in shock and shame as you walked out the door.

Jungkook -

Jungkook was loving

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Jungkook was loving.....and competitive. You beat him in overwatch and you thought it was kind of funny, it's not like you took it seriously. But he did. He threw his controller out of frustration and it shocked you. He stood up and started yelling. You asked him why it was such a big deal. "You don't understand! I've played for so long and..and I was supposed to win!" You tried to stand up and calm him down but he yelled stop and stormed out the door in frustration. With you standing alone and dumbfounded.

A/N Thank you so much for over 1k reads!!💜💜I'm sorry I haven't updated and I don't think I'll be back to regular updates yet but I'll try to update when I can.

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