What his parents think of you

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A/N not all of these are positive things they think of you

Jin -

Jin's parents would be pretty traditional so if you didn't know how to cook or clean they'd talk to Jin about how they don't think you'd be a good wife. Jin would, of course, defend you. If you did know how to cook or clean, they'd probably just be glad their son found someone.

Yoongi -

Yoongi has said before that his parents like to tease him, like when he said his mom told him he looked like an egg. So I think his parents wouldn't focus on you much but just tease Yoongi about finally getting a girlfriend.

Hoseok -

His parents are really supportive of him so I feel like they would just be happy for him. They would love that you make him happy and if you managed to make Hoseok laugh while you two were with his parents, they would uwu so much.

Namjoon -

Namjoon's parents would be very suspicious of you and thought you were just with him for money. They really didn't trust you even after Namjoon told them you were genuine. Although they weren't going to stop him unless you did something really gold digger like.

Jimin -

They've seen how Jimin dances on stage and they probably thought you were just with him for his sexiness and they were worried you would leave him once he started acting cute. But they were proved wrong when you laughed at something Jimin said and told him how cute he was.

Taehyung -

Taehyung's parents would straight up hate you....and love you. They were convinced you were only with him for his money and his looks. It didn't help that Tae told them about how he loved to spoil you and buy you anything. But at the same time they enjoyed seeing him happy and just told him to tread lightly.

Jungkook -

Jungkook's parents also didn't like you. Because they thought you were too normal for him. They did really love how sweet and polite you were, but they didn't think your personality matched with Jungkooks. Then, one minute into Monopoly, you and Jungkook were fighting over who got to be the dog.

A/N sorry couldn't find any matching GIFs or pics. Also i've only been getting 6 hours of sleep a night for the past 1-2 weeks so I'm fucking exhausted

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