When they expose your relationship

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So this is basically how long it would take them to reveal your relationship to the public :)


He would be excited to find someone he loved so much and being the oldest he felt ARMYs would respect his decision. However, he would still take time to figure out you were the one. So probably a year or two.


I feel like he would be the type to keep your relationship a secret for a long time because he just wanted to keep you to himself. He also didn't want you to get any hate from ARMYs. He seems like to type to wait until he gets engaged or married and even then only reveal it when people spot the ring.


This sunshine would be overwhelmed with love even when you first said 'yes' to being his girlfriend. But like Jin he wanted to make sure you were the one and make sure you weren't just using him for money. Probably a year.


He would want to keep your relationship a secret for a while but not as long as Yoongi. Him being the leader, he has more work to do than the rest of the group so he wanted to make sure that you could handle it. I feel like he would wait about 3 or 4 years to reveal your relationship.


Jimin wanted to keep you to himself for a while just like Yoongi but he did it a different way. He would expose your relationship relatively quick so everyone knew you were his and no one could steal you from him. About half a year.


This guy. He would tell everyone he was dating you as soon as you agreed to go on a date with him. After that he never stopped talking about you to the fans. Bighit and RM would probably be upset that he didn't take time to see if you were the real deal but he knew it already. Like I said he would reveal it 1 minute into dating you


He wouldn't reveal it at all because he was too shy and every time he tried, he ended up blushing and going back on his plan. So one of his hyungs did it for him. They were either at a fan sign, concert, or variety show and one of the other members grabbed the mic and announced you and Jungkook's relationship. 2 or 3 years.


I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated. School has been kicking my butt. I had 5 projects this week! Anyways, hoped you guys enjoyed! :)

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